Can Republicans Retake the Senate? Here’s Where Things Stand

As of this report, there are eight weeks, one day, nine hours and 55 minutes until Election Day. By all accounts, control of the Senate hangs on a knife’s edge with control slightly favoring one party or the other depending on who you ask. FiveThirtyEight’s latest statistical analysis says Democrats have the edge to retain […]

Your Magazine as a Monopod – Debunking a Gun Myth

“What are you doing? You’re gonna have a malfunction if you rest the magazine on the deck!” I wish I had a running count of how many times I heard that as a Marine. If I was running a range with a rifle instead of a machine gun, I liked to dig that magazine into the dirt. […]

The Key to Restoring Our Confidence in Elections

If we can enforce the Civil Rights Act of 1960’s data retention requirements, we will be able to help restore confidence in our elections. Unfortunately, election officials across the country are not keeping the most basic data to monitor election outcomes. Even when they say they do, the numbers do not come close to matching […]

Navy Reveals More ‘Sensitive Information’ on UFOs Exists – But Won’t Release It

While American sailors and airmen have felt relatively comfortable speaking about encounters with UFOs and “60 Minutes” reported on sightings involving objects without any visible means of propulsion flying in inexplicable ways, the Department of Defense compiled information on scores of encounters between the U.S. military, predominately involving the U.S. Navy, and what it calls […]

Senator Warns Garland Not to Retaliate Against FBI Whistleblowers

Sen. Chuck Grassley is famously known for his frank manner of speaking. It’s endeared him to the people of Iowa, whom he’s represented as a United States senator since 1981. Recently, Grassley weaponized that folksy characteristic with a level of effectiveness only the most senior Republican member of the Senate could muster. The target of […]

Why Communist China is Freaking Out Over NASA’s Artemis Moon Mission

ANALYSIS – While NASA’s Artemis moon mission has suffered massive cost overruns and numerous delays, including the two recent last-minute launch scrubs on the launch pad, China isn’t happy with America’s new moon program. As a matter of fact, as shown by its state-run media mouthpieces, it is freaking out. And it has good reasons […]

For the IRS, All-Powerful Isn’t Synonymous With Competent

The Biden administration has put its trust, and $80 billion, into the IRS to help defray the costs of an ever-expanding state. Sure. But then we get stories like this: The Internal Revenue Service mistakenly published confidential data for 120,000 taxpayers on its website before realizing the error and taking down the data, the Treasury […]