An Important Reminder About the Election Process

In case you missed it, the Nov. 8 elections are a few days away. While you should vote for your preferred candidates (if you haven’t already), there’s something that needs to be said – very clearly – about the election results. Some states may not have final tallies for days – or even longer – […]

Hornady Expands Ammunition Lines for 2023

Hornady has just announced several new and expanded ammunition lines for 2023, ranging from 7.62x39mm subsonics to the company’s new 7mm PRC cartridge. Whether your goal is long-range precision or maximum effect on target, Hornady makes some of the best ammo out there. Now the company has announced expansions to several of its existing ammunition […]

Frontrunner Emerges to Replace Pelosi

A clear frontrunner has emerged to replace House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., to lead the Democratic caucus after her departure. Although it’s unclear, speculation is increasingly rampant that Pelosi will be pressured by members of her own caucus to retire if Republicans seize control of the House. Pelosi’s heir apparent, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., isn’t […]

Electric Vehicle Push Promises Unprecedented Problems

Back in 2021, the Biden administration issued an order requiring the federal government to reach carbon-neutral emissions by 2050 and to get there, jump-start the fed’s purchase and use of electric cars. Team Biden’s goal: 100 percent of new federal car purchases/leases would be of electric by 2027, leading to an all-electric fleet by 2035. […]

Why You Should Carry a Concealed Weapon

Whether you already carry a concealed weapon or are thinking about starting, here are some bulletproof reasons supporting why it’s a good idea. For many of us, the question of “why you should carry a gun” seems silly, given the current state of affairs in the United States early in the 21st century. Carrying a […]

Biden DHS Still Colluding With Big Tech to Censor Dissent

ANALYSIS – Even as Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) publicly shuttered its stillborn ‘Disinformation Governance Board’ (aka Ministry of Truth) after a huge outcry, new evidence shows that Team Biden is still trying to use DHS to collude with Big Tech to censor Americans on social media. The latest information uncovered through an investigation by […]

How Both Parties Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Big Government

Once upon a time, there was a group of Americans who said they supported limited government. That group may always have been skittish about actually making government smaller. But the sentiment that government should live within its means, and mind its own business, was once a staple of the political landscape. It was an idea […]

Media Outlet Absolves Democrats From Solving Man-Made Disaster

In a new piece, Esquire asks Republicans, “What would you do about inflation?”, while not asking the same question of any Democrats at all. That is, the people currently in power don’t have to answer for what their being in power has caused. We can see this in the headline: “Republicans Claim They’ll Fix Inflation. We Asked 8 […]

National Rifle League Hunter Match Series | Brain Dump

Competitive Precision Rifle is a shooting sport that has pushed the future of new cartridges, new equipment, and new shooting styles. Normally when showing up to a precision rifle match you are given a match book with each target array, distance, and course of fire description. Unfortunately, having all competitors informed of information took some […]

Prominent Georgia Democrat Turns on Stacey Abrams

Stacey Abrams was left blindsided when a high-profile Georgia Democrat opted to endorse Republican Brian Kemp instead of her. Kwanza Hall, who previously ran for lieutenant governor of Georgia, made the surprising endorsement on Friday, four days before Election Day. Hall also endorsed Republican lieutenant governor candidate Burt Jones citing Kemp’s ability to make “tough […]

Concealed Carry Corner: Stock Guns vs. Customized Guns

Welcome back to another edition of Concealed Carry Corner. Last week, we talked about jackets that were specifically designed for concealed carry and their validity. If you missed the article last week, be sure to check it out with the link here. This week, we will take a closer look at the trend of customizing carry […]