Friday, May 3, 2024

Media Outlet Absolves Democrats From Solving Man-Made Disaster


In a new piece, asks Republicans, “What would you do about ?”, while not asking the same question of any Democrats at all.

That is, the people currently in power don't have to answer for what their being in power has caused. We can see this in the headline: “Republicans Claim They'll Fix Inflation. We Asked 8 GOP Senate Candidates How.” So, why aren't any Democrats asked that same question?

The subhead gets, to those who are economically informed, worse: “Just four answered — and none of their solutions will make much of a difference for years.” That's the problem with inflation: Once it becomes established, it takes some years to get rid of it. This is not, by the way, anything even remotely controversial among economists. The reason we shouldn't allow inflation to occur is that it takes years to get rid of it. (RELATED: Fox News Responds After Psaki's Below the Belt Ding)

In the Esquire explanations of why the Republican ideas would not work, we get this about the Keystone pipeline: “In total, it would have transported up to 830,000 barrels a day, less than 1% of daily global consumption. Prices went from $70 a barrel in Fall 2021 to more than $100 for much of 2022, so it's not how XL would have made the difference at the pump.”

They're comparing the flow of oil to American refineries with the global market for oil. Further, they're ignoring how markets work. Prices are set at the margin – that last 1% is exactly what produces both the local and global price for anything, not just oil. Again, this is not controversial , it's textbook stuff.

But the really annoying part of this? It is only Republicans who are asked here. And yet we see this: “As far as spending, the American Rescue Plan that Democrats passed in March 2021 added to inflation. The estimates vary: Some left economists put it at 1-2%—out of an 8.3% total year-on-year increase—while some conservative economists have put it as high as 3%. The bill was too big and likely pumped too much money into the too soon after the trillions in stimulus passed under Trump.”

So, it is true that highly partisan – this bill and then the very amusingly named were passed on party-line votes – laws have created this burst of inflation. But only those from the party against the inflation, against those bills that led to the inflation, are asked how they would solve it. (RELATED: The Schumer-Manchin Inflation Reduction Act Could Kill You)

No Democrats are asked how they'd sort out the problems that Esquire has just insisted Democrats caused.

Esquire ranks at No. 124 for American news and outlets. It gains some 29.3 million visits a month from that position. Of course, the title, from its magazine past, carries greater weight than that too.

Yes, we know this is a close election season. We know that Senate control is an issue. But the point of having an independent media is to inform, not to propagandize. Calling up all the Republicans to explain how they'd solve a problem caused by non-Republicans might be seen as bias. Especially when none of those non-Republicans are also asked how they'd solve the very problem they've caused.

That no Democrats are being asked how they'd reduce inflation they've caused is the bias here.

This article originally appeared in Accuracy in Media. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News. Republished with permission.

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  1. For the curious, as Milton Friedman assured us, “inflation” is entirely a “monetary phenomenon.” Supply chain disruption raises the cost of restricted goods, but the price of other goods fall if no new money is added to the system. No inflation results. But when government expands debt or deficit spends, every additional dollar generated raises the cost of everything.

    Lots of addled economists believe there’s a tooth fairy. There’s not. To stop inflation you have to stop deficit spending. And government hates that. Note that the Fed raises interest rates to kill the private economy because the government has spent like a drunken sailor.

  2. Don’t be naïve enough to believe that this magazine is looking to do a proper journalistic article on the BEST solutions, both Left and Right, to solve the inflation problem…no, it’s a hit piece on the Republicans …. just another angle of attack from the Corporate Corrupt Media who don’t have a Real Journalist in their stables anymore even if they wanted to do a good job of journalism!

  3. Inflation is virtually permanent and will impact the lives of young Americans for the foreseeable future. Inflation is caused by borrowing foreign money from China and elsewhere, and too much spending and bogus “investing” in so-called “infrastructure” paying off millions of student loans, paying people not to work, the Inflation Reduction Act giveaways, to name just a few. Also critical to rising inflation is printing money with no backing in real goods, like we once backed with hoards of gold and silver with intrinsic value. Now “money” is just paper declaring itself to have value, when it actually does not. Out-of-control spending by the government and turbo-charging the printing presses is what causes inflation, pure and simple.

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