The End of Muscle Cars as We Know Them

The automaker is being aloof, but here’s what we know… It’s unofficially official, the wildly popular and successful Dodge Challenger and Dodge Charger are done as we know them. At some point next year, if you believe the rumors, you and I will wake up in a world where these glorious modern muscle cars are […]

Weak Police Chiefs – The Enemy Within

Part of an ongoing series on police leadership… Police chiefs influence everything from officer performance and morale to public perception of and confidence in the departments they lead. Based on feedback I’ve received over the past few years, weak police leadership is a widespread issue that’s having detrimental effects on policing and public safety. In […]

Pentagon Embroiled in War on Drag Shows

Even the Defense Department isn’t immune from today’s culture wars. In response to recent Pride Month controversies, Rep. Glenn Grothman (R-Wis.) has introduced legislation that would prohibit the use of public funds for “organizing, promoting, or hosting drag shows as a means of diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.” Per Task & Purpose: In an interview with Task […]

New Poll Shows Even Many Democrats Worried About Biden’s Mental Health

A new I&I/TIPP poll reveals nearly two-thirds of Americans are worried President Joe Biden is not mentally fit for office, and that doubt is even creeping into large numbers of Democrats. A stunning 59 percent of Americans say they are either “very concerned” (36 percent) or “somewhat concerned (23 percent)” about Biden’s mental health. That […]

Insane: Two Blue States Propose Legalizing Abortion 28 Days After Birth

Democrats in the California and Maryland legislatures introduced radical new bills this year effectively making it legal to kill a child up to 28 days after birth. Maryland’s Senate Bill 669 “proposes a revision of the fetal murder/manslaughter statute that would serve to handcuff the investigation of infant deaths unrelated to abortion. In other words […]

Border Patrol Opens Locked Gate to Let Illegal Migrants in to US

Newly-released video shows Border Patrol agents opening a gate on the U.S.-Mexico border to allow illegal immigrants to walk into the United States. Agents opened the gate moments after soldiers from the Texas National Guard locked it. The armed agents then stood by and chatted nonchalantly as dozens of undocumented migrants streamed by. WATCH: The […]

Left-Wing Prosecutor Predicts Race War

A prosecutor for Loudoun County, Virginia‘s commonwealth’s attorney, whose campaign received $659,000 from a George Soros-funded PAC, predicts there will be a race war between straight, white, Christian males and the rest of the country. (RELATED: Big City DAs – No Crime Big Enough to Do Time) As The Washington Free Beacon reports: “We are […]