Outspoken ‘Squad’ Member Hit With FEC Complaint

Liberal lawmaker Cori Bush (D-Mo) has been hit with a complaint from the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) over payments to her now-husband for private security services. On Thursday, Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust (FACT) filed a formal complaint against the staunch “defund the police” advocate and demanded FEC general counsel Lisa Stevenson open an […]

US Intel Says ‘Havana Syndrome’ Not Caused by Foreign Weapon, Also Wrongly Dismissed Lab Leak Theory

THURSDAY PDB – Here we go again. More unreliable Intelligence Community (IC) assessments. The same intelligence agencies that said COVID didn’t leak from a lab in Wuhan – and that Hunter Biden’s laptop was a Russian intel plot – now say that the so-called ‘Havana Syndrome’ affecting thousands of US diplomats and spies unlikely caused by foreign […]

Ukraine-Russia War: 300,000 Casualties in a Year of Conflict

A year on from Russia’s large-scale invasion of Ukraine, the rapid advances and retreats of the two combatants have slowed to a grinding stalemate. Marking the one-year anniversary since Russia’s large-scale invasion of Ukraine on 24 February last year, the ebb and flow of the conflict seen in the early stages has slowed to a […]

Texas Teachers Admit Defiance of State’s CRT Teaching Ban

In the second installment of Accuracy in Media’s Texas investigation, educators are seen on hidden camera explaining just how they use linguistic trojan horses in order to defy Gov. Greg Abbott’s Critical Race Theory ban and continue teaching controversial topics and theories to students unbeknownst to parents.  “They had to change the wording,” Donna Hodge, advanced […]

Ticketmaster Raking in Cash From Farrakhan Rally, Lawmakers Silent

A ticket sales and distribution company at the center of an antitrust investigation involving international deception, fraud and price fixing, as well as having faced criticism for playing “woke” politics, is facing another storm today. But many of its congressional critics are unusually silent — so far. According to The Washington Free Beacon, Ticketmaster made […]

School Choice Argument Greatly Misrepresented in Ohio

School choice rests on the idea that we want education dollars to be spent educating children as is best for the child in the view of that child’s parents. We all pay our taxes into the school system but children do belong to parents and so that’s who should be deciding – parents. There are […]