Calling Out GOP Hypocrisy When It Comes To Military Spending

With federal spending still on a lot of people’s minds, it’s worth noting another section of the budget deal between House Republican leaders and the Biden administration contained a 3.3 percent hike in defense spending. That means in the next fiscal year, America will spend roughly $886 billion on defense programs and personnel. While it’s […]

‘Wow’ – Reporter Calls Out White House Official On Biden Being ‘Corrupt’

ANALYSIS – It wasn’t a good moment for National Security Communications Director John Kirby. The former Navy admiral and prior Pentagon spokesman was left dumbfounded when a New York Post reporter challenged him on the numerous scandals and investigations swirling around Joe Biden. Citing a Harvard/Harris poll in May that found 53% of Americans believe Biden was […]

Woke Banks Under Fire From Congress For Helping FBI Illicitly Spy On Gun Owners

Reports claim that Wall Street banks have been illicitly spying on customers and reporting gun buyers to the FBI, despite no probable cause or court-issued warrants. In response, Congressman Alex X. Mooney, R-W.Va., has introduced H.R. 3021, The Protecting the Second Amendment in Financial Services Act, to “expressly prohibit financial institutions and credit card companies […]

Heather And Its Fertilizers

Heather Cox Richardson self-identifies as a “historian” and works as a Professor of History at Boston College. Her newsletter is called Letters From An American, which sounds as anodyne as iodine. This earns her the benefit of the doubt as I examine her review of the FBI threat assessment document. On the other hand, I […]

Pentagon Moving Away From Celebrating Woke Pride Month

ANALYSIS – It appears that the conservative backlash against the overwhelming oppression of the radical LGBT agenda is finally having an effect.  Not only with companies like Budweiser feeling the pain of hiring a man who claims to be a woman as a digital ambassador for its beer, but the Pentagon is feeling it too. […]

Biden, In A Panic Over China, Secretly Sent CIA Director To Beijing

ANALYSIS – Joe Biden appears to be panicking over the downturn in U.S.-China relations (and lack of high-level communication) on his watch. While the belligerent communist regime in Beijing is the cause of the increasingly bad blood, Biden thinks making nice with the Chinese Communists (CHICOM) is the solution. As part of Biden’s attempt to […]

Heather And Yon

I know personally two famous Heathers but was only recently introduced to the third. Heather Richardson Higgins is the CEO of Independent Women’s Voice and chairwoman of its sister organization, Independent Women’s Forum. She grew up wealthy but served as a Senate aide in Washington, D.C., eventually presiding over the family philanthropic foundation left by […]

FBI Director’s ‘Contempt Of Congress’ Is Part Of Bigger Problem

ANALYSIS – FBI Director Christopher Wray has steadfastly refused to provide the House Oversight and Accountability Committee an internal Bureau document that alleges Joe Biden took a $5 million bribe from Chinese sources. The committee issued a subpoena for it a while ago. Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., has said he learned about the allegations […]

Teen Magazine Vilifies Republican Stance On Controversial Curriculum

In a new article, Teen Vogue reports that Black Studies are, in fact, for everyone. The subhead actually says “Rather than ‘indoctrinating’ me, it’s done the exact opposite.” The full title is “Black Studies Is Under Attack by Conservatives, but The Teachings Are for Everyone.” The problem with this is that the teachings that everyone gets from […]