Moderate Dem Discussing Possibility Of Challenging Biden

Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.), a youthful, pro-business Democrat, is considering a primary challenge against President Joe Biden. Phillips represents a formerly Republican-leaning district comprising several of the Twin Cities wealthiest suburbs. According to CNN, he’s receiving encouragement to run from Democrats concerned with Biden’s electability and age. The Minnesota representative will travel to New York […]

Judge Voids Bowe Bergdahl’s Conviction And Dishonorable Discharge

Former Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl has secured a complete legal victory in his quest to vacate his conviction after pleading guilty to desertion. Bergdahl’s 2009 decision to abandon his post led to his capture by the Taliban and the loss of six U.S. soldiers who died searching for him. Task & Purpose has more on the […]

Alaska Mayor Wants To Fly Homeless To Warmer Climates

The mayor of Alaska’s largest city wants to give its homeless residents a one-way ticket out of town. At a press conference this week, Anchorage Mayor Dave Bronson (R) announced he intends for the city to pay for plane tickets to Los Angeles and other warm climates for homeless people who would otherwise spend the […]

NAACP President Blasts Defund Police Movement, ‘Progressive Policies And Failed Leadership’

The Oakland, California NAACP president wants city leaders to declare a crime emergency. In a public letter, she denounces “progressive policies and failed leadership” brought by “the movement to defund the police, our District Attorney’s unwillingness to charge and prosecute people who murder and commit life-threatening serious crimes, and the proliferation of anti-police rhetoric.” Cynthia […]

Is GOP-Led House ‘Inching’ Toward Impeaching Joe Biden?

ANALYSIS – Joe Biden may be getting closer to being impeached by the Republican-led House. Or at least it seems that way. But should he be impeached? On Tuesday Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) reportedly told a select congressional group meeting in his office that he’s “moving closer” to opening an ‘impeachment inquiry,’ though not quite yet. This is the […]

Report: Facebook Targeted Tucker Carlson At White House’s Behest

A report by the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) revealed that Facebook demoted a video posted by Tucker Carlson by 50%. Even though the video didn’t violate any of the social networking giant’s policies. Published email threads show a long-running campaign to coerce Facebook, now called Meta, by the Biden administration in order to marginalize voices […]

Dem Proposal Seeks To Purge Words ‘Husband’ And ‘Wife’ From Federal Law

A new bill making its way through the legislative process in Washington, D.C., would scrub the words “husband” and “wife” from federal law. Rep. Julia Brownley (D-Calif.) introduced the Amend the Code for Marriage Equality Act on July 14 to make federal marriage laws gender-neutral. Brownley’s legislation would replace traditional terms with words and phrases like […]

Finally – Some Republicans Treat Entitlement Reform Seriously

A key element of the political theater surrounding the debt ceiling debate back in the spring was the agreement between the two major parties not to talk about entitlement reform. No cuts. No tweaks. Not even a blue ribbon panel of experts in sight. The reasons were entirely political: talking about even modest reforms of […]

DeSantis Takes Dig At Trump’s Age When Asked About Potential Pardon

That’s got to sting… Florida Governor and presidential contender Ron DeSantis hit rival Donald Trump with a not-so-subtle diss during an interview with Megyn Kelly, taking a swipe at his age. While discussing the former President’s mounting legal challenges, Kelly asked DeSantis if he planned to pardon Trump if he’s ultimately elected to the White […]

Credible US Officials Testify To Congress About Real UFO Threat

ANALYSIS – Decades after the infamous Roswell incident captivated Americans, the House of Representatives has convened a landmark panel on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs), also known as Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs). In what would have been unimaginable just a few years ago, the hearing is the most serious acknowledgment yet that the mysterious sightings require […]