Comprehensive Study Reveals The Worst Product For Privacy

One of the cold realities technology has brought into our lives is how easy and efficient it is for various entities to gather information on just about every facet of our lives. And not just gather it but sell it, too. A recent study from the Mozilla Foundation looked at one burgeoning source of private […]

‘Bidenomics’ – US National Debt Passes $33 Trillion For First Time

ANALYSIS – In case some readers weren’t sure, this is a big reason the conservative GOP ‘Freedom Caucus’ is threatening a government shutdown. Thanks to Joe Biden’s massive spending orgy, the gross U.S. national debt has breached the $33 trillion mark for the first time. To be precise, according to the U.S. Treasury Department, as of September 18, 2023 […]

Europe Is Doing More To Defend Itself – But Coordination Is Key

ANALYSIS – President Donald Trump was lambasted by the foreign policy elites in both parties when he called Germany delinquent in its commitments to NATO and bashed other allies for not doing enough to defend themselves, while relying on the United States. But Trump was right to demand more from Europe. He was also right […]

Biden Praises ‘Congressional Black Caucus’ But There’s One Big Problem

Another embarrassing Biden gaffe for the books… The senior president left lawmakers silent when he mistakenly praised the Congressional Black Caucus while he was speaking to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. According to The Washington Free Beacon, while Biden was praising a Catholic nun who received an award at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute’s annual gala, Biden mixed […]

IMF Predicts Continued High Inflation Heading Into 2024

One of a long list of worries facing Democrats as they look ahead to the 2024 elections is public perception of the current administration’s economic record. According to a Sept. 13 Quinnipiac poll, the broad public view is that 60 percent disapprove of the way President Joe Biden is “handling the economy.” That’s usually the […]

Dallas Mayor Switches Political Parties – Becomes A Republican

The mayor of one of the country’s largest cities announced in The Wall Street Journal on Friday that he has switched to the Republican Party. Dallas, Texas Mayor Eric Johnson, previously a Democrat, explained why America’s largest cities need Republicans. Johnson served nine years in the Texas Legislature before winning the 2019 Dallas mayoral election […]

Missile Attack Sets Russian Black Sea Fleet Headquarters Ablaze

On Friday, a Ukrainian missile attack inflicted substantial damage on Russia’s Black Sea Fleet headquarters in occupied Sevastopol. The attacks came one week after Kyiv used British-supplied cruise missiles to strike a landing ship and submarine. The sub, belonging to the Russian Navy’s Kilo-class, may have been a total loss. It was previously used to […]

Women Being Robbed By Men In Louisville Becoming More Frequent And More Violent: Police

By Brandon Curtis Concealed Nation LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY — Authorities in southwest Louisville are on high alert as reports of a man assaulting and robbing women with a handgun are increasing. The Louisville Metro Police Department (LMPD) said the suspect’s violence is escalating, having targeted six women to date. Sgt. Joe Keeling informed that while not all victims […]

Dave McCormick Launches Pennsylvania Senate Campaign

Republican businessman Dave McCormick is jumping into the Pennsylvania Senate race. On Thursday, McCormick, a former hedge fund executive, West Point graduate, Gulf War combat veteran and Treasury Department official in former President George W. Bush’s administration, launched his second Senate campaign. “I have total faith and confidence in the people of Pennsylvania,” McCormick said. […]

Unresolved UAW Strike Triggers Automaker Layoffs

This seems to be an escalation to the aggressive negotiations. The United Auto Workers union and American Big Three automakers are still at an impasse on labor negotiations almost a week after the first round of strikes. In reaction to the shutdowns, GM and Stellantis both have announced layoffs, the former going much deeper than the latter. This could be a preview […]