Investigators Blow Lid Off Iranian Infiltration Of Biden Administration

In what could be an explosive national security scandal, U.S. House investigators reveal that several top foreign policy officials in the Biden White House have secret and compromising relationships with the Islamic Republic of Iran – a state sponsor of terrorism. The announcement comes weeks after the Biden administration’s baffling decision to release $6 billion […]

Israel’s ‘Iron Dome’ Air Defenses Intercepting Most Hamas Rockets

ANALYSIS – While it is not known how many Hamas rockets have been intercepted by Israel’s ‘Iron Dome’ short-range air defense system, a lot have been destroyed in flight, as video from journalists on the ground prove (see videos below). The problem is Hamas, as well as to a far lesser extent Hezbollah in Lebanon […]

Progressive Commentator Cenk Uygur Announces Presidential Campaign

The creator of arguably the most popular news show for millennials and Gen Z is running for president. Progressive commentator Cenk Uygur, founder of “The Young Turks” (TYT), announced on Wednesday’s episode of the TYT that he intends to challenge President Joe Biden in the Democratic primary. Uygur begrudgingly thanked Biden for winning the 2020 […]

Scalise Rolls Out Conservative Agenda As GOP Nominee For Speaker

Moments after a fractious U.S. House Republican caucus nominated him for Speaker of the House, Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) revealed an aggressive conservative agenda for the Congress. “Speaker-designate Scalise highlighted that, as Speaker, he would hold the Biden Administration accountable for its refusal to secure America’s southern border, which allowed for an unchecked flow […]

Pro-Police Group Protects The Protectors

The National Center for Police Defense (NCPD) is a non-profit organization that provides legal and financial assistance to law enforcement officers facing criminal charges or civil lawsuits due to their on-duty actions. The NCPD also emotionally supports law enforcement officers and their families dealing with traumatic or life-changing events. The NCPD was founded in 2016 […]

Israel-Hamas War Showcases US Border Failure

Inevitably, the conflict between Israel and the Iranian-backed Palestinian paramilitary terrorist organization Hamas has led to several political personalities comparing it to the U.S.-Mexican border and hysterical liberals responding that the two are vastly different. Indeed, Eric Boehm, in Reason, scripted a piece October 10th titled “Here’s What the Hamas Attack Tells Us About U.S. […]

Pentagon Wants Swarms Of AI-Piloted Drones To Defeat China

WEDNESDAY PDB – The Pentagon has rightly decided it needs numbers as well as technology to defeat China. And the best way to do that is with lots and lots of autonomous (AI-piloted) drones working alongside all manner of manned vehicles and aircraft. Army mulls attack drones, ground robots for Replicator. The Army could contribute one-way attack […]

Where Do Billions In Annual Defense Spending Actually Go?

Defense spending is one of the biggest items in the federal budget, and may get even bigger in the near future as we provide assistance to nations at war with rogue states and authoritarian regimes. But for all the hundreds of billions spent on defense, it seems the DoD has an enormous problem paying for […]

New Poll Reveals 9-Point Lead For Trump In Pennsylvania

A new Emerson College poll finds former President Donald Trump leading by a significant 9-point margin over President Joe Biden in the key battleground state of Pennsylvania. The numbers suggest Trump’s message of economic growth and job creation resonates with Pennsylvanian voters. Still, 11% of respondents said they’d vote for someone else, and 8% are […]

Trump Endorses Kari Lake In Arizona Senate Race

Arizona conservative firebrand Kari Lake officially launched her highly anticipated campaign for U.S. Senate Tuesday night. “I am not going to retreat. I’m going to stand on top of this hill with every single one of you. And I know you’re on my side as I formally announce my candidacy for the United States Senate,” […]

M*RDER CITY USA Defends Its Title: 500+ Homicides To Date In ’23!

By JBboch Yesterday, some of us fumed over the Illinois State Police launching their ammo registration portal on the Firearms “Services” Bureau (you’re the one that’s gonna get serviced).  Then we all saw the news of the barbarian Hamas terrorists attacking Israel, slaughtering women and children after they raped them and taking plenty more hostage.  And […]

House Selects Speaker Nominee

On Wednesday, House Majority Leader Steve Scalise won the Republican nomination to become the next Speaker. Scalise secured the nomination 113-99 in a closed-door GOP conference meeting, defeating House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) in a close race that did not have a clear front-runner heading into the internal vote. “I’ve got a long […]