Friday, May 3, 2024

Police Group Begins Airwave Bombardment Ahead of Midterms


Democrats and police have steadily drifted apart since then-Sen. sponsored the 1994 bill.

In the decades since, the party has declared war on police. Criticizing their job performance with broad brush strokes is routine. Emboldened by the hard left turn, activist prosecutors like Baltimore's Marilyn Mosby left entire police departments unable or unwilling to do their jobs out of frustration and fear of political retribution.

The situation confronting our men and women in blue is not merely unsustainable. It is immoral. While has historically refrained from entering the political arena, the current situation demands action.

Given the reality of what two more years of unchecked Democratic rule would mean for peace officers, The League for Law Enforcement has partnered with Sheriff . The newfound alliance hopes to emphasize the threat the White House and its lackeys in pose to law enforcement through a targeted public awareness campaign. Without delay, it'll premier Tuesday night on Fox News Channel.

Clarke raises a salient question during the ad: If voters don't hold Democrats responsible for their disastrous policies, who will?

A press release from The League has more on its partnership with the iconic Sheriff Clarke:

The League for Law Enforcement, a project of The League for Sportsmen, Law Enforcement and Defense, Inc., is a composite of what America is fighting for under the current administration. The League represents sportsmen, hunters, law enforcement, and others who in the past have been the mainstay of our society. The League stands for the defense of our Constitutional Rights, our inalienable rights protected by the First Amendment, , and the eight other amendments in our Bill of Rights. This is what “The League” is about: Equality, Diversity, Law and Order, and Freedom!

Sheriff David Clarke is proud to partner with The League in their critical efforts to support the brave men and women of law enforcement who risk their lives daily to serve and protect our families, and fight back against the Democratic Party's dangerous and reckless “defund” and anti-police rhetoric.

To see the ads, tune into Fox News Channel. The League's ads will be airing between 6:00 PM and midnight Eastern Standard Time.

Recent studies have linked the nationwide homicide surge to defunded departments made up of cops lacking the resources to do their jobs or with their hands tied behind their backs — or both.

Perhaps most ominously, ambush-style attacks against law enforcement have risen exponentially since 2020. According to the latest statistics from the , the murder of police officers increased by nearly 60% in 2021.

Should the status quo remain in Washington, this crisis will continue with no end in sight.

Given all this, it isn't surprising that law enforcement and their families have abandoned the Democratic Party en masse. However, their public opposition is a relatively new phenomenon.

With officers, retired cops and their biggest advocates speaking out in greater numbers every day, the Democrats' breathtaking mistake of embracing the “defund the police” movement has become apparent to all but the most hardened ideologues.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

Patrick Houck
Patrick Houck
Patrick Houck is an avid political enthusiast based out of the Washington, D.C. metro area. His expertise is in campaigns and the use of targeted messaging to persuade voters. When not combing through the latest news, you can find him enjoying the company of family and friends or pursuing his love of photography.


  1. people who believe in law and order, personal responsibility and earning what you get will never vote democrat. It would be an oxymoron.

  2. Sheriff Clarke: It will be enlightening to find out how many AOCs (Another Offensive Criminal) member of the Looney Left Democrat Party owns a GUN of any kind?

    • The left wing liberal democrats are too busy sucking up to the criminals of blm and antifa to worry about the rest of the country. God help the United States of America if we don’t purge them from our government before they totally destroy our constitutional republic.

  3. If they do not meet this oath putting America first example…“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.” why would you vote for self appointed criminals?

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