Friday, May 3, 2024

Nonprofit Tests Providing Universal Basic Income to Black Women in Atlanta


A program announced earlier this year that will provide (UBI) for black women in has begun, according to a Tuesday report.

The program, which is being piloted by a nonprofit called the Georgia Resilience and Opportunity Fund (GRO), is called “In Her Hands.”

“In Her Hands is a guaranteed income initiative focused on putting a solution to financial insecurity directly in the hands of women in . No strings attached,” according to the group's website.

According to GRO:

The gap between dwindling paychecks and making ends meet for Black women has historically been larger and deeper than most other populations. Though people are incredibly resilient and resourceful with what they have, Black women are among the most likely group to experience cash shortfalls that make covering basic needs difficult. This isn't the result of poor choices, it's the result of pervasive economic insecurity that has the sharpest impact on women and communities of color and the people who live at the intersection of the two.

As The Georgia Star News previously reported, the program is focused on Atlanta's Old Fourth Ward, the birthplace of Martin Luther King Jr. It has one of the highest poverty rates anywhere in the country.

Under the plan, which excludes everyone except black women, participants will receive $13 million in total over the next two years. Most of the 650 enrollees will receive $850 per month on average.

But some in the group will receive $4,300 upfront, with $700 monthly payments for the duration of the program.

“We know this story of the Old Fourth Ward, and the trends that are happening, are not just indicative of this neighborhood, but what's happening across the country,” said Hope Wollensack, the executive director of GRO, when the plan was announced.

The group says its mission is “engaging deeply with communities, rooting our work and initiatives in a systemic analysis of longstanding inequality, and bringing together policy-makers, innovators, and community leaders.”

UBI has become a popular idea in left-wing circles since , a businessman and former Democrat candidate for president, based his 2020 campaign platform on it.

Other UBI programs are currently being tested around the country.

This article originally appeared in The Georgia Star News. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News. Republished with permission.

Peter D'Abrosca
Peter D'Abrosca
Pete D’Abrosca is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected].


  1. This is a Racist program. It is blatantly illegal to discriminate on the basis of skin colour. And UBI has been tried and studied before. It failed by encouraging dependency on the state and sloth. I am sure these recipients will be “encouraged” to vote Dem.

      • If private organization, wants to give money that is generated by black members of that organization to people who do not mind having multiple children with multiple fathers THAT is their business.. IF a public organization who receive PULIC funds through grants from the Feds or the states that is a horse of a different color.

    • “This isn’t the result of poor choices,,,,” Excuse me? Having children knowing that the husband’s not going to be around to help raise the child is not a bad choice? 76% of black children are born to unwed mothers. This makes it impossible for the women to get a job which mires them and their children in poverty since the father will not be contributing financial help and will not be helping to educate them. These fatherless children are born with two strikes against them.

    • Haven’t you heard, only white people can be racist. In fact one study said white babies of 3 months old were racist already.

    • Absolutely correct. Throwing $$, robbed from honest workers’ paychecks, at those too lazy or arrogant to earn it, is like trying to put a fire out by dousing it with buckets of gasoline; the more you pour, the bigger it gets! Welfare is a malignant cancer that leads to death! Want your people/nation dead? Welfare; keep increasing it.

      • Remember that teaching them to fish has more lastability than giving them a fish…

  2. People are not poor because they have no money. They have no money because they do not know good marketable skills which would get them decent paying employment. Handing money to them is not going to teach them the mindset and skills that it takes to become successful.

    Also, giving money to non-producers only causes inflation. Money is only valuable because of the goods and services that it represents. By giving away $850 for nothing, the pool of money is increased while the quantity of goods and services remain the same. This is inflationary.

  3. Isn’t this what use to be known as reverse discrimination?? I’m a white retired senior citizen, who had my first job straight out of high school, and whose discretonary funds were eaten alive by the Biden administration’s failing economy this past year, and either need to find a cheaper place to live or get a job. Why am I different from the black women?? Of course, what I’m doing is what my Daddy taught us kids growing up — to be prepared to take care of ourselves. Guess black woman don’t learn those lessons, huh?

    • “The ordaining of laws in favor of one part of the nation, to the prejudice and oppression of another, is certainly the most erroneous and mistaken policy. An equal dispensation of protection, rights, privileges, and advantages, is what every part is entitled to, and ought to enjoy.” ~ Benjamin Franklin

    • Hard to learn anything of value from a daddy who is basically a sperm doner while the child they father is basically a raise in food stamps.

  4. Sounds a lot like “reparations” to me!
    Where did the funds cone from? Was Federal monies of any kind involved? If so, it is Unconstitutional under the 14th Amendment.
    Also, the claim that this was not a result of “poor choices” made by the recipients. Who and how was this assertion arrived at?
    Are there no non-Black poor people in Atlanta’s 4th Ward?

    • “I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion about the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it.” ~ Benjamin Franklin

    • Don’t you know by now that the illegitimate Biden administration doesn’t believe in our Constitution, has violated Constitutional law dozens of times and wants it to be eradicated.

    • Even if no public money is involved, no organization may discriminate! Let Ford or Chevy try that!

  5. Democrats have proved over and over that they will do anything for VOTES!! They don’t seem to care what it costs, as long as it is somebody else’s money that they are spending.

  6. How is this not both racist and sexist? All men are excluded on the basis of sex, and all white, Asian, Latina, Native American and other non-black women are excluded on the basis of race. This sounds blatantly illegal and I hope it is challenged in court, and that the people responsible are duly prosecuted.

    • Guess it’s not illegal anymore no one batted an eye when Biden’s Only criteria for Supreme Court Justice, the highest court in the land was EXACTLY that. Black, and have a vagina.

  7. Sad! Another program targeted at many of the right people that will mostly miss the bullseye and lead to more drugs, more crime, more failures and in the end victimize these people more when what they truly need is Christ, Church, family with a husband and wife! Less government and more opportunities for employment. But, true Black leaders will be ignored and belittled while the users will use and abuse the needy. So, sad, so misdirected

  8. Of course this is racist and the group making this offer is a racist organization. To think, just a couple of years ago, Trump was showing success raising the income of minorities and the entire economy. Now we are headed for a recession, the demise of personal transportation without a single congressional vote cast, treaties and alliances being made again without the congress, a Marxist coup is under way in Washington so of course a government stipend for being a burden on society is called for without consulting the people who are always superior to government in America. This may be a private racist effort, but the implication is that, if successful it should be duplicated across America, but now, at your expense. Teaching more dependence and requiring ever increasing stipends to support the effort.

  9. Doesn’t the U.S. have enough people depending on the government for food, housing, phones, free money etc. ?? That’s a hell of a way to buy votes, but it’s worked for the dimocrats for about 6 decades !!

  10. I suppose this guaranteed monthly income is IN ADDITION to federal “welfare” payments for fatherless children, food stamps, housing subsidies, Medicaid, prescription drugs coverage, free cell phones, free internet, etc. As a senior, my monthly income is less than $1,000 after working all my life, never receiving even so much as unemployment income .. certainly none of the freebies so liberally passed out by our goverment to freeloaders who never learned how to work to provide for themselves, much less their family. Odds are, much of the $850 will go to pay for 20lb. hair braids and 6 inch be-jewelled nails and/or street drugs.

  11. So we are giving money to people that do not work or take care of their children and made bad choices to allow a man to have sex with them and got pregnant. What does this teach the women? To do as they like and let the government take care of them. Do they get food stamps and welfare and this extra money? If so why would they ever go to work. BTW, they will all have their nails done each week.

  12. This is totally racist against white people or any other race, even black men for that matter. There are poor people all over the United States. What are you going to do for them?

  13. Is this a Federal plan or a State plan? I don’t want my tax dollars going to waste like in this plan. This Georgia plan better be paid by Georgians and not non Georgean taxpayers.

  14. Face it, this is not a non-profit program but a government program paid with American tax dollars. Why do the blacks always get given everything? They should be contributing for once, not always taking…enough.

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