Thursday, May 2, 2024

Biden’s Border ‘Invasion’ – Middle Eastern Terrorists Pretending to Be Mexicans Enter US


ANALYSIS – For those who still think President 's virtually open border with Mexico isn't a concern, now add the fact that thousands of Mexican passport holders trying to enter the may actually be Middle Easterners.

Some of them on terror watch lists.

This according to a memo by Biden's own Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

DHS has initiated a massive fraud investigation according to the memo, and DHS' National Targeting Center has already identified 28,500 individuals since January for “further evaluation.”

What's worse, since last October, Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) has found 343 people whose names appeared on a national terror watchlist, according to agency data.

The Washington Free Beacon reports:

The concern over fraudulent passports comes as a surge of illegal migrants at the southern border overwhelms the immigration system. With hundreds of thousands of migrants attempting to enter the country each month, Border Patrol and other agencies often lack resources to properly vet who is entering the country.

Significantly, Biden's DHS secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said last year that the United States risks losing its “first line of defense” because of the “unsustainable” amount of at the border. 

More than 1.8 million migrants have been apprehended by the Border Patrol on the southern border since October 2021. 

This is a new a new annual record, surpassing Biden's previous fiscal year annual record

The Free Beacon adds that:

FBI director Christopher Wray testified in the Senate earlier this month that the border crisis “represents a significant security issue and represents a wide array of criminal threats that flow out of it.”

“Any port of entry, any potential vulnerability is something we know foreign terrorist organizations and others will seek to exploit,” Wray said.

According to the U.S. Travel Association, roughly 20 million Mexican citizens easily travel to the U.S. as tourists each year.

The Free Beacon continues:

This investigation highlights that criminals often use legal travel to facilitate criminal activity,” the senior DHS official told the Free Beacon. “The nexus to Mexico should cause the public and lawmakers to reflect on how a porous border can be even more dangerous.”

Meanwhile, a separate Free Beacon report notes that “More than half of all Americans believe the United States is facing an invasion at the southern border, according to a recent survey from NPR.”

According to the poll, 54 percent of Americans, including 40 percent of Democrats, say it is “completely true” or “somewhat true” that the border crisis is an “invasion.” Nearly three-quarters, 73 percent, of respondents said they believe the “large number of migrants apprehended at the southern border is a problem.”

This poll, though smeared by mainstream liberal news groups such as NPR as a product of “increasingly extreme rhetoric around immigration,” actually shows the partisan divide over the border is shrinking as more Democrats see the Biden Border Crisis as an invasion. ALN

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

READ NEXT: Border Patrol Opens Locked Gate to Let Illegal Migrants in to US >>

Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. A graduate of Georgetown, London and Cambridge universities, he brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty – at home and from abroad.


  1. And Xi Jinping Biden’s ratings went up? What is with the mindset of the Americans these days?? PATHETIC!!!

    • DOMINIC, I feel the people in the U.S. have had it too easy for too long. Everything has been given to us and realistically we should have had to earn our way. Speaking for myself, I worked at a profession that was both physically and mentally demanding. Now, I’m just a stove up old man. But after being retired over 35 years I still take pride in what I did. People no longer seem to feel that way. In closing I must say that I agree with what you wrote.

    • It’s not so much as what they expected but what they wanted. I don’t doubt these traitors are allowing them in to do the damage that’s going on with food plants and oil refineries.

  2. Early on the stream of young, healthy young men marching North had the look of Regimental soldiers, not young, poor desparate people wanting to have a better life. When the ghost flights distributed many of them secretly throughout Pennsylvania, we were told they were children and the stealth was necessary for their protection. Only a fool, or a dangerous, power mad politician wouldn’t recognize the danger. A fool you can forgive, the politicians should be removed from their offices and made to undo the damage they have done. It may be too late.

    • He and his left wing radicals are destroying our constitutional rights, and by doing that they are destroying the United States of America. Unless we purge every one of them from all levels of government, they will succeed.

  3. It takes 4 million illegals invading the country for Demo’s to figure out it’s an invasion !!! Wait until ISIS sets off a bomb.

    • The real worry should be that pissed off Timothy McVey wanna be’s in the “Proud Boys”, Oath Keepers or 3% percenters sets off a terrorist bomb – killing innocent Americans

  4. Close the border. It is a complete danger to our American population and a treat to our country. Somebody needs to step-up up to the plate and tell Biden, it won’t continue, period. He does he think he is? This country doesn’t listen to dictatorship/

  5. Yeah well, what can WE do about it? Far too long has the US been at the mercy, beck and call of the Chink-a-zoids. Richard Nixon started it, normalizing relations and commerce with Communist China, who will kill millions of their own people (Mao Zedong) who are not getting with their Marxist program. Our Manchurian Candidate Chao Bai Deng is getting with Mao’s program soon enough. Or at least his Bama-noid handlers are, sure enough.

  6. If that brain dead Mayorkas already knows this and can say it out loud, why is it still going on? Isn’t he in charge of the damn thing? I hope Abbott already sent a lot of those 28K frauds up to Washington DC to do whatever “good” they came here to do for Biden. Actually, the fall of Washington DC to a bunch of Iranian terrorists might be a blessing in disguise for America. God only knows our moron in chief would be no great loss and whoever is really in charge might be drawn out into the open so we can finally see who all the 2020 election rigging was really about.


    • Personally, I’m beginning if they aren’t worse than communists. They’re acting more like fascists. Biden is pulling some of the same stuff Hitler did.

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