Saturday, May 4, 2024

GOP Abandons Republican Candidate After Truth Comes Out About Military Career


Republicans would rather have quality over quantity.

The GOP's fundraising arm canceled a near-$1 million ad buy to attack Democrat Ohio Rep. Marcy Kaptur after the disturbing truth was revealed about Republican challenger JR Majewski.

According to POLITICO, Majewski lied about his resume, including claiming that he deployed to Afghanistan. The disturbing truth caused The National Republican Congressional Committee to make the last-minute decision to cancel the $960,000 buy targeting the Toledo, market.

According to the Associated Press, public records indicate that Majewski, an Air Force veteran, never deployed to Afghanistan and that he also mischaracterized his professional career. He had described himself as an “executive in the nuclear power industry” but his employers and a now-deleted LinkedIn resume did not support that claim.

Majewski, who was endorsed by , has maintained that he's been truthful about his military service and has refuted the allegations he misrepresented himself.

Kaptur has been seen as one of the most vulnerable this cycle and Republicans have been expected to easily pick up the House seat. However, according to POLITICO Majewski's primary win has not exactly triggered a warm response from Republican lawmakers concerned by the candidate's close affiliation with the more rightward MAGA wing of the .

The candidate catapulted himself to notoriety for painting his lawn into a giant Trump shrine. Majewski beat out two other more moderate Republicans in the primary.

Republicans need only five seats to reclaim the majority, which is expected to happen. However, it's a disappointment in a district that the GOP could have seriously contested with a stronger nominee.

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Nancy Jackson
Nancy Jackson
Nancy grew up in the South where her passion for politics first began. After getting her BA in journalism from Ole Miss she became an arts and culture writer for Athens Magazine where she enjoyed reporting on the eclectic music and art scene in Athens, GA. However, her desire to report on issues and policies impacting everyday Americans won out and she packed her bags for Washington, DC. Now, she splits her time between the Nation’s Capital and Philadelphia where she covers the fast-paced environment of politics, business, and news. In her off time, you can find Nancy exploring museums or enjoying brunch with friends.


  1. It would be wonderful if all Republican politicians and candidates were above reproach but unfortunately this moron should definitely be dumped. We have enough frauds and liars among the Democraps and RINOs.

    • We need to condemn verbally while hoping the Dem is unseated. All Dems are more deplorable and dangerous than any mere campaign fibber.

    • My first impression also, but delving a little deeper, this sounds like a vendetta by the GOPe—“He is too MAGA” for their tastes. His fibbing seem to be a stretch on his actual experience, but that is pretty common in political campaigns and job resumes.

  2. I see, demotards can steal valor, but NOT Republicans. I can’t stand them but there is certainly a double standard…..

    • Misrepresenting the place of service (He was deployed to Qatar, not Afghanistan) isn’t as big a deal as it’s made out to be. How many service members supporting the Vietnam War while based in Thailand are considered “Vietnam Vets?” Most of our fighter-bombers over Hanoi were flown by pilots posted in Thailand, not in Vietnam. This “expose” is a case of picking nits. The GOPe just doesn’t like his MAGAtism. Too extreme for their tastes.

  3. The RNC or district republican central committees should vet anyone that wants to be a candidate. This was avoidable. Why is it republicans are the party that knows how to form circular firing squads? The dems would have circled the wagons around their candidate and increased negative ads on the republican opponent if dirt came out like this on their candidate. But, I’m glad we don’t do that.

  4. Unfortunate the GOP candidate choose to tell whoppers about his military time and his history as a top nuclear expert. Certainly not as bad as the lies told by Biden and other Dems, but we need to maintain our no lies policy. I still hope he can unseat a Democrat because unseating Dems takes precedence over telling mild campaign fibbing. The stakes are too high.

  5. If the claims about him are true it is a good thing we learned about his lies now instead of after he had been elected.

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