Friday, May 3, 2024

Trump Shifts All Blame to Abortion for Midterm Election Losses


ANALYSIS – In typical Trump fashion, the former president just threw all pro-lifer conservatives under the bus to deflect any blame from himself for the weak ‘Red Trickle' that was the 2022 election. But is he wrong?

On November 9, I wrote about how both issues impacted the 2022 election losses. ‘ and Trump tipped the scales.'

Yes, some pro-life conservatives took the reasonable Supreme Court decision to give abortion decisions back to the states (where they belong), as a green light to push for the most aggressive anti-abortion restrictions they could.

And this was a mistake. It only reinforced Democrat women's fears and independent women's doubts, fueling the abortion rights extremists to rally and independents to waver or vote Democrat.

What they should have done is defend Dobbs and the Supreme Court while positioning the GOP as the reasonable party on abortion.

The abortion on demand at all times under any circumstances, until the time of birth (and sometimes even beyond), is the extreme position.

And most Americans oppose that insanity.

“Let states decide. The left is extreme on abortion.” That's how we should have played it.

Sadly, too many on the right didn't follow that playbook.

So, when Trump stated on Truth Social on Sunday that it wasn't his fault that “Republicans didn't live up to expectations” in the , he may be partly right.

Instead, Trump blamed the “abortion issue,” writing that it was “poorly handled by many Republicans, especially those that firmly insisted on No Exceptions, even in the case of Rape, Incest, or Life of the Mother.”

And that was true. Here I agree with Trump.

When I ran for office in South 10 years ago, I signed the National Right to Life Pledge, but even that staunchly pro-life organization made exceptions for rape, incest or the life of the mother.

Now, however, Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, one of the nation's leading pro-life groups, which spent tens of millions to mobilize the pro-life vote in the 2022 midterms, stated in response to Trump:

The approach to winning on abortion in federal races, proven for a decade is this: state clearly the ambitious consensus pro-life view on abortion and contrast that with the extreme view of Democrat opponents. We look forward to hearing that position fully articulated by Mr. Trump and all presidential candidates.

Their response was far from convincing. Taking the most extreme counterpoint to the left's extreme position doesn't win votes. It only makes you seem more extreme than the other guys.

In an interview with Breitbart News last month, Trump said it best: “I think a lot of Republicans didn't handle the abortion question properly. I think if you don't have the three exceptions, it's almost impossible in most parts of the country to win.”

And even when Republicans were not asking for the most extreme abortion restrictions, the Democrats lied that they were.

And this was also a failure of the GOP.

The Democrats and leftist groups spent $468 million on abortion-related advertisements, whereas the focused its campaign advertising on inflation.

While some grassroots conservatives were overzealous about rolling back abortion after Dobbs, the GOP establishment was afraid of the abortion issue altogether, ignored it and hoped it would just go away.

But I think Trump is also wrong to take no blame himself. He did play a big part in the 2022 electoral defeat.

As I wrote on November 9:

But beyond the abortion issue, former president Trump likely played an outsized role in the red wave turning to a ripple.

And as someone who has been a strong Trump supporter and voted for Trump twice, I believe this sentiment [Trump was part of the problem] has validity.

Continuous ranting about election fraud in 2020 makes the future about the past.

And forcefully demanding GOP loyalty to one man doesn't help either.

It also makes everything about Trump rather than conservative ideas, policies, and candidates.

Nothing mobilizes the Democrats, the and the left like Trump.

Of course, the title of my November piece could have given a clue. It was: “Is It Time for the GOP to Dump Trump?”

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. A graduate of Georgetown, London and Cambridge universities, he brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty – at home and from abroad.


  1. Trump needs to be careful. Backing the homosexual crowd and now coming out against pro-lifers is going to cost him a large number of supporters. Personally, as an independent who votes mostly Republican, I prefer DeSantis.

  2. Right, Trump is a problem for conservatives, just as the GOP has become a problem, with their lack of leadership.
    Abortion is the taking of a human life! Take it from there.

  3. He’s partly right. Abortion was a much bigger issue that was brushed off by the GOP with some Republican idiots like Lindsey Graham even giving ammunition to the Democrats by introducing a bill to ban abortion after 15 weeks. It’s not that it’s a bad idea. Whether you agree or not, that directly contermands the Supreme Court decision that the overturning of Roe vs. Wade was neither pro or anti abortion; simply a correct ruling that it was never a Federal Government decision, but a State by State decision. Graham and any Republican that supported that bill did nothing but give a nuclear bomb to the Democrats that screamed the lie that Republicans would ban abortion. So the GOP was practically endorsing that lie, instead of contradicting it by stating correctly that abortion would be up to each individual state and no longer a Federal issue.

  4. Love Trump. But we do need to keep national politics separate from state politics. This is not the Republic of North America, we are 50 different states that have each developed different tolerances for certain things. So someone asks the question “Are you for or against ….whatever….. The correct answer is “Each State should decide on its own and that decision must withstand constitutional scrutiny in the courts.” Never use the words always, every, all or never. The only exception I can think of is “the Right to Bear Arms shall not be infringed.” There should be no national policy on marriage, abortions, sex changes, and how states spend their state tax revenue. Anytime a Congress Person brings up some law limiting these types of activities they are wrong.

  5. Protecting the lives of the unborn takes priority over votes. Trump better be careful because he is going to alienate his voter base. He pushed the deadly shots, wrong move. He states that we shouldn’t have given states the right to decide on abortion, wrong move. What’s next? DeSantis is looking better everyday.

  6. Well, I kept wondering why the Supreme Court decided to vote on this highly charged issue just before the elections. Really poor timimg. They should have known the dems would rally and use this to their advantage. They should never hold court on something that could affect upcoming elections. This could have been done mid-elections where the unnecessary hooplah had time to die down.

    Abortion should never be allowed once that baby’s heart starts beating, except for saving the life of the Mother. If that heart is beating, pulsing blood throughout the body and brain, muscles have the ability to move, meaning nerves are working, then it is painful murder. Assuming that baby feels no pain because he can’t cry out is an idiotic and self-serving viewpoint. God did not intend for sex to be recreational. People now want instant gratification without using sound judgement and the cost is unwanted pregnancy and disease. No one has ever died from turning down sex.

  7. All the nit-pickers can pick Trump apart for all their worth. I don’t care what they or anybody else says – this country was doing far, far better under Trump’s leadership than almost anyone else in my lifetime.

    And as for everyone jumping on the DeSantis train – just like Trump, he’ll be their man. Until they start nit-picking their noses and he’s not.

  8. You & Trump are both wrong! Murdering the baby, in the case of rape or incest is the wrong answer. It only adds to the guilt & shame the victim must deal with. As for protecting the life of the mother, those laws were in place well before Trump was born, & still are. Those are all just leftist excuses, to enable the continued slaughter of infants. As a survivor of incestuous rapes, & acquainted with other victims of such abuse, I can tell you there are other, less traumatic, options for both victims: mother & baby.

  9. He just shot himself in both feet. If there was one thing Trump did right during his presidency, it was being right on the abortion issue. That inspired my loyalty and the loyalty of a lot of other pro-life people. I’m feeling kind of used. For him to throw us under the bus over the 2022 election points up what I consider his greatest shortcoming: lack of loyalty. His only consistent loyalty is to himself; his loyalty to everyone and everything else, including principles, appears to be conditional.

  10. Ahhh, politics, “the art of the possible,” like slavery and the Nazi Holocaust…and now The Great American Abortion Holocaust.
    Can you agree with me that there are some things that just can’t be put on the ballot, like pro-slavery folks wanted to do prior to the Civil War? It was called “popular sovereignty,” and it is a legitimate American political theory.  However, popular sovereignty as advocated on the question of slavery meant that the people in each state or territory got to vote on whether to outlaw or permit the practice of enslaving black people who were considered inferior, or subhuman. Sound familiar?
    The defense used by those accused at the WW2 Nuremberg trials was that killing Jews and other undesirables (deemed subhuman) was legal under their democratically elected government. Sound familiar?
    So why are we voting on whether mothers can kill their babies, albeit at the state level? This piece does an excellent job of explaining what is wrong with “letting the states decide”:
    Why does the author of this article think it a “mistake” for pro-life advocates, as he describes it, “to push for the most aggressive anti-abortion restrictions they could”; that “the GOP [should position itself] as the reasonable party on abortion.”
    To paraphrase Barry Goldwater, “Extremism in defense of innocent life is no vice. Moderation in the pursuit of justice for preborn, living human beings is no virtue.”
    To say that the Dobbs Court “overturned” Roe v. Wade is to clearly imply that Roe was 100% overturned. That is so very far from true as to be a HUGE lie! In fact, the Dobbs Court upheld the worst part of Roe—its definition that preborn life is subhuman “potential life” when each preborn child has DNA unique from either parent and sex (not “gender”) determined at conception/fertilization.  
    Abortion-homicide would have ended if Roe had been 100% overturned (“abortion” is a euphemism intended to legitimize mass murder). The Dobbs Court could have ended The Great American Abortion Holocaust by taking judicial notice of the scientific and logical fact that all life, not just human life, begins at the beginning, at the moment of conception/fertilization (science uses “fertilization”). If Dobbs had done that, there is no way it could have “returned” abortion regulation to the states where about half the states will continue our shameful butchery which has slaughtered ten times the innocent lives as did the Nazis of the Jews (64 million abortion-homicides to 6 million Jews).
    If the Dobbs Court had done that, any subsequent debate would be defined by the scientific and moral fact it would have officially noticed in its decision. As it is, pro-abortion-homicide advocates feel like self-righteous victims instead of experiencing the shame and censure of being exposed as mass murderers.
    I think that Ruth Graham, Billy Graham’s wife, got it right:
    If God doesn’t punish America [for our decadence and sexual perversion including mass abortion-homicide], he’ll have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.” Bracketed comment added.
    Isn’t that a great quote? I will use it to conclude my forthcoming column that indicts the conservative Supreme Court justices in the Dobbs case for reauthorizing abortion-homicide by shifting responsibility to the state level when they could have ended it!
    This piece explains the immorality of the crime against humanity that is abortion-homicide:

    This one, about the leaked Dobbs opinion (that is almost identical to the official opinion), explains why Dobbs didn’t overturn Roe 100% as everyone seems to believe but, in fact, upheld the worst part of that demon decision, that the preborn are subhuman “potential life”:

    And this one explains the moral clarity that having Nuremberg-style trials will bring to our guilty nation:

    This is the link to my author’s page with five other columns about the Dobbs case including one on point with this message entitled: “Life begins at the beginning, where else?”:

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