Thursday, May 2, 2024

How Republicans Can Hold the Mainstream Media Accountable


The has always tilted left, but now they are openly progressive activists, some of them even being former Democrat campaign operatives who, of course, have absolutely no journalistic integrity or know-how. This slanting of the news is giving Democrats an unfair electoral advantage and monopoly on news coverage, and it is compromising our right to free speech.

The most recent case of double standards was newly elected Representative . My phone has been getting constant updates from CNN about his resume-enhancing lies. However, I don't recall one CNN update on Elizabeth Warren lying about her fake Indian ancestry or any other Democrat liar like being a big rig truck driver and winning an appointment to West Point.

Don't get me wrong. I am for high moral standards and integrity in our elected officials. I just have a problem where there are absolutely no standards for Democrats. In the eye of the media, they can do no wrong. Whether it is Santos or Warren, they should receive the same media scrutiny and lashing.

Can you imagine a Democrat House speaker fight? The media would call it a healthy display of democracy. For the GOP, it is in chaos.

When a candidate writes a campaign plan, he or she has goals for earning free media, including press releases, press conferences, debates, media availability and even letters to the editor. But for GOP candidates, earned media is not much of an option.

Complaining to each other is not going to solve the problem that is giving an unfair advantage to the Democrats. So, what can be done about the media being in the Democrat tank and basically an in-kind contribution to Democrats?

Liability is one way. For a political candidate to sue, there is a higher burden of proof to win a libel lawsuit. There needs to be “actual malice,” which means the politician must prove that there was reckless disregard for the truth. In other words, a politician cannot expect to win a lawsuit which gives even more credence to an opponent's false statements if they were to sue and lose.

If our legal system was to require that political statements be held to the same standard of accountability as for ordinary people, that might curb the lying. I know that lawsuits take months to years but facing financial destruction for lying could be enough for the parties, PACs and politicians to clean up their acts.

Can you imagine if Senator Ted Cruz or your favorite local GOP candidate could go after CNN or the local paper like Nicholas Sandmann took on the media that disparaged his reputation? That would be a game-changer!

Another way to solve media biases is for the Republican National Committee to file Federal Election Commission complaints against the media corporations. As you know, corporations are not allowed to donate to federal campaigns. (Many states also outlaw it.) While the media is not handing out direct cash donations, they are certainly giving in-kind gifts to Democrats in the electoral process. When the media is only covering one candidate isn't that an in-kind contribution? I believe so especially when you can show a pattern of that outlet only favoring lefties.

For example, the editor of Vogue, Anna Wintour, donated $6,000 to Democrats. In the scheme of things that's not big cash but putting Michele Obama and Dr. Jill on the cover is worth a ton of money. It speaks volumes to their readers that former fashion model Melania Trump never made the cover during her tenure in the White House. I see a pattern. Do you? There is a clear failure to give equal coverage to Republicans. I would call putting these Democrat first ladies on the cover an in-kind contribution. I am sure many gentlemen readers are downplaying the Vogue example. But this is how the Democrats win over female voters.

As I mentioned earlier, CNN sent out numerous updates on Santos. That has value. It is the equivalent of a text message. If CNN is only going after Republicans, that is an in-kind contribution for the Democrat Party and a potential federal campaign finance violation.

The RNC should not stop with just the so-called . They should go after social media. It is very well documented that Facebook has algorithms that favor the Democrats, so their stories are getting more eyeballs than GOP news. That has significant value. Facebook, which is a huge corporation, is not allowed to use its resources to help one side. Hence, they are potentially in violation of federal campaign finance law.

The lack of the red wave should be a major wake-up call that the GOP needs to step up its game on all fronts. We cannot be scared to go after the media for being so biased. It is time to take action. These are a few of my suggestions!

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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Holly Robichaud
Holly Robichaud
Holly Robichaud first introduced herself to hundreds of thousands of readers writing for the Boston Herald in a column called the Lone Republican. She is an award-winning political consultant for races across the country and the campaign management trainer for the National Federation of Republican Women.


    • Trying to get the MSM to change by suing them or trying to get the FEC to enforce election laws even-handedly may be a noble idea, but it’s unlikely to be effective,

      As Billy Wlson suggests, the best way to get their attention is to hit them where it hurts by boycotting their advertisers.

    • Too much dark money out there to count on this approach. cnn as is should have been cancelled already, how are they surviving? For sure this step is part of the process needed you are 100% correct, just 1 cog in the machine we need to create to fight this.
      Be Blessed!

  1. I believe that the lack of a “red wave” in the last election has more to do with the voting machines that it does with the voters. In AZ, Kari Lake is still fighting to prove that the election was rigged against her, and may well win that lawsuit if the courts would rule on the validity of the suit and not the “standing” of the plaintiff to file the suit. Or twisting the law to get the wanted results.

  2. This is the key to change. How many people are totally fooled by the media? When I was a younger man, I spent 5 min. watching the evening news to get updated on what was transpiring in our government. That was when the MSM was semi-honest. As soon as I think of the young me, and how I was informed I immediately feel bad for my fellow citizens, who I’ll bet is around 70% of them go to the cnn types to get their info (even Fox hires liars and pushes these falsehoods upon the public) Fox is the only one that will hire Tucker/Hannity types, I give them that. If you pay attention, you can get some upright shows at fox. And the lying MSM machine only has 1 target to take out-Fox. How many of your friends think Fox is evil? If the “Not Democrat’s” and crew don’t deal with this, may as well join the other side. No need to wonder why we have so many Rinos, the media is the tool that flourish’s that issue also.
    Anyway, I do pray that my fellow citizens get the truth revealed to them, and this post is the perfect start.
    Thanks Holly!

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