Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Wave of Chinese Spy Craft or UFOs Over US? Or is Biden Just Trigger Happy?


The U.S. military has now shot down four high-altitude aerial objects over the United States or Canada within a week.

One object was the massive downed off the coast of South Carolina on Feb. 4 after it completed its eight-day journey conducting of sensitive military and nuclear sites across the entire United States.

The three other objects remain unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP) – the new term for UFOs.

The Chinese spy balloon and UAPs are raising concerns over major gaps in North American security.

On Sunday, U.S. military jet fighters shot down its fourth high-altitude aerial object, an octagonal entity, over Lake Huron, Michigan.

Prior to that, on Friday, a second object was shot down over sea ice near Deadhorse, . And a third object was destroyed over Canada's Yukon on Saturday, with investigators still hunting for the wreckage.

The U.S. military used -9X Sidewinder short-range heat-seeking, supersonic missiles to bring down all four airborne objects.

One Sidewinder reportedly missed its target and landed harmlessly in Lake Huron.


First shot missed. Second shot hit,” Milley told reporters. “We go to great lengths to make sure that the airspace is and the backdrop is clear up to the max effective range of the missile. And in this case, the missiles land, or the missile landed, harmlessly in the water of Lake Huron.”

While the weapons are primarily manufactured for U.S. forces, the missile is also sold in large quantities to a range of American allies, including South Korea, the UAE and Indonesia.

Canada, which is part of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (), uses Sidewinders as well but has not yet received its order of these latest, more capable, AIM-9X missiles.

One ex-Royal Canadian Air Force general stated that the older Sidewinders still fitted on Canadian CF-18s could not take down these objects at that high an altitude.

Canada's Global News reported:

Retired Canadian general Tom Lawson, who flew CF-18s before serving as Norad deputy commander and then chief of the defence staff, said Canada's CF-18s currently use an older version of the AIM-9 Sidewinder.

“When I was flying CF-18s, I did not have a weapon that would shoot down something over 40,000 feet if it was moving too slowly,” he said. “My radar wouldn't have locked onto it. My heat-seeking missile, my AIM-9, would not have locked onto this thing.”

Meanwhile, the downing of China's alleged spy balloon by the stealth F-22 Raptor jet fighter marked the first time the 5th generation jet has shot down an airborne target, and may be the first time an AIM-9X was fired in anger since it debuted in combat in Syria and Iraq almost a decade ago.

It was also likely the first time the missile was ever fired at the mind-boggling height of 60,000 ft, which is also near the top reported operational ceiling of 65,000 ft for the F-22.

The rapid-fire series of shoot-downs over Alaska, Canada and Michigan beginning February 10, after the initial balloon downing near South Carolina on Feb. 4, has raised pressure on the to explain the nature of the high-altitude craft and whether they pose a threat to national security.

From mid-October to December 2022, the National UFO Reporting Center cataloged some 1,255 new sightings of UAPs.

One U.S. official attributed the rise in the sightings to boosted surveillance capabilities by the military and not a rush of new foreign objects flying over American airspace.

However, later on Sunday, the U.S. Air Force general overseeing North American airspace said it still wasn't clear how the objects were remaining aloft or being propelled through the air, or where they originated.

He also said he had not ruled any explanation out – including extraterrestrial life.

Since then, the U.S. government has announced that it suspects that three unidentified flying objects downed since last Friday were benign commercial or research craft and not linked to China's alleged surveillance balloon program.

The comments may ease concerns that China is conducting an even more aggressive surveillance effort against the United States than initially believed.

They should also dampen fears of a UFO invasion.

However, these sightings and downing of UAPs over North American airspace still appear to be generating far more questions than answers.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. A graduate of Georgetown, London and Cambridge universities, he brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty – at home and from abroad.


    • How about how an octagonal shape effects a radar return? Shapes and coatings effect detectability by radar as demonstrated by stealth aircraft. Domestic and foreign aerospace companies do detectability testing all the time.

  1. “Since then, the U.S. government has announced that it suspects that three unidentified flying objects downed since last Friday were benign commercial or research craft and not linked to China’s alleged surveillance balloon program.”

    SUUURE! Commercial or research craft, with NO identification markings or transponders, “floating” near or within commercial air space with no published flight regimen or authorization; unknown “propulsive” or altitude-holding mechanisms; etc. No commercial or reasearch entities coming forward to claim improper destruction of their flight approved “aircraft” that have been “flown” for years …

  2. Even if this hapless administration and its “woke” military leaders KNOW what these things are, this “most transparent administration ever” is not going to tell US–ESPECIALLY if they ARE–as seems likely–more Chinese surveillance devices! Senile Joe is SO compromised by all the money he and Hunter have taken from China, that they are certainly going to put China’s interests ahead of ours. They are TRAITORS who took money from our enemies to aid and abet THEM, so they’re too busy covering their sorry behinds to actually do their jobs which is the security and defense of this country and its people.

  3. This is starting to get ridiculous. The military is denying they have done the very simple task of recovering these wrecked octagonal balloons they claim to have shot down. Any company or research group would by now have stepped up to ask the military to stop shooting down their research vehicles. They certainly don’t “come from beyond the stars”. They are fllippin’ BALLOONS coming from the direction of Asia on the jetstream. Their ability to float in the air is because they are filled with helium.

  4. I don’t really know what’s going on, but I find it a little bit nerve-racking that there’s still going after President Trump, who they said was gonna start World War III! Just look at what’s going on now, and if China starts a war in two years, We Will Lose.

  5. Don’t any of our modern aircraft have any weapons like a Gatling Gun ??? Seem to me it would be cheaper then the sidewinders, after all were just poking holes in a balloon.

  6. trigger happy.

    nope. false flags.

    only thing it only makes biden, his admin and libs look like bumbling fools.

    China is sitting back ROFLAO

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