Friday, May 3, 2024

Trump’s DeSantis Ads Ignore An Inconvenient Truth


Despite all the negative ads by the Trump Super PAC, Inc., Governor officially jumped into the presidential race yesterday.

So will the Trump PAC change their unsuccessful tactics or will they keep attacking a fellow Republican?

Right now, the PAC is running a negative television ad claiming that DeSantis wanted to raise because he supported a national sales tax. It is completely dishonest. Yes, during DeSantis' tenure in he supported a national sales tax, but the bill would have eliminated the income, estate, payroll and gift taxes. Seems like a good

While I fully support simplifying our tax code, I am no fan of a national sales tax. However, I recognize like any other commonsense individual would do — that's not raising taxes. For taxpayers in the Northeast, Florida is Mecca, because the tax liabilities are significantly less! That's one of the reasons why 1,100 people are moving out of Taxachusetts each week.

So you have to question why the MAGA PAC would launch such a credibility busting attack.  It makes you question any other claims they make. If Trump makes it out of the primary, doesn't that hurt him in the general election against Biden who he lost to in 2020? Yes, it does!

It also leaves the door open for DeSantis' PAC to fire back.

In 2018, Trump backed a 25 cent increase in the gas tax. That would be more than a doubling of 18 cents per gallon we presently pay. Trump also indicated that he would support linking the gas tax to inflation. That would be taxation without representation. Our taxes would increase without any elected official voting on it. With inflation so high right now, can you imagine what we would be paying at the pump if it had passed? Ouch!

The MAGA PAC should stop with attack ads against DeSantis. It is only helping the Democrats who are the true enemies to our country! If Trump wants to rally Republicans, he should focus on holding Biden accountable and tell us how 2024 is not going to be a repeat of 2020.

So far, DeSantis looks like he is the candidate who can deliver all the good policies without the baggage.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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Holly Robichaud
Holly Robichaud
Holly Robichaud first introduced herself to hundreds of thousands of readers writing for the Boston Herald in a column called the Lone Republican. She is an award-winning political consultant for races across the country and the campaign management trainer for the National Federation of Republican Women.


  1. Holly misses the bigger picture.

    DeSenseless is an agent for the Bush-Rove Syndicate. Americans hate them with a passion after they managed to collapse the economy in 2008 into the worst wipeout since the Great Depression.

    DeDummy is banking on Trump in jail by nonsense conjured up by Jack Thug.

  2. All of you running for office as Republicans, please remember President Reagan’s eleventh commandment: Thou shall not speak evil of fellow Republicans. Disagree with their policies, but no that’s NO personal attacks. Amen

  3. Yes, I noticed they self-revealed their lie in small print on the ad which basically said their claim is a lie. Credibility counts

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