Thursday, May 9, 2024

Congress Moves To Stop Biden From Confiscating Guns Under A ‘Public Health Emergency’


Liberal plans to ban and confiscate as a threat to “public ” could be blocked under new legislation.

In a committee hearing, U.S. Senator Mike Braun (R-IN) offered an amendment to the
“Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act” (S. 2333) prevents President Joe Biden or officials of the Department of Health and Human Services from declaring “gun violence” a “public health emergency” as a pretext for banning or confiscating privately-owned firearms.

The bill reported out of the Committee on Health, , Labor, and Pensions, could be considered by the full Senate.

“President Biden and HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra, and Senator Alex Padilla have called for gun violence public health emergencies,” a statement from Braun's office reads. 

“Senator Braun's amendment would protect Americans' right to bear from executive branch infringement by affirming that the HHS Secretary does not have the authority to institute by declaring gun violence a public health emergency,” the statement continues.

“National and local politicians across the country are always trying to restrict the rights of law-abiding citizens. We need to set into law that no one can declare a national health emergency to seize the power to restrict our rights with the stroke of a pen. I will always stand up for Hoosiers' rights to protect themselves and their families,” said Braun.

In introducing the amendment, Braun told the Committee:

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Americans saw flourish and many of our constitutional rights be diminished. 

More and more, big government wants to turn everything into a national emergency. 

Recently, the Secretary of Health and Human Services advocated for gun violence to be declared a public health emergency to grant HHS power to restrict Americans' right to keep and bear arms. 

The Department of Health and Human Services was never intended to implement gun control of any kind. 

My amendment would simply prohibit HHS from declaring a public health emergency to implement gun control. 

I urge my colleagues to vote yes on my amendment.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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Donny Ferguson
Donny Ferguson
Donny Ferguson is a professional fundraiser and organizational manager. Born and raised in Texas, he has lived in Washington, D.C. for 16 years. Ferguson also served as Senior Communications and Policy Adviser in the United States House of Representatives, operating one of Capitol Hill's most effective media operations.


  1. And they better stop this illegal UN- Constitutional and have this Treasonous Traitor arrested then his administration dismantled immediately after his arrest get this vile perverted criminal out of the White House NOW

    • The current regime will never cease trying to abrogate our Second amendment rights. Disarming Americans is a major part of their agenda to eventually implement a socialist dictatorship here.

      • The present Democrat Administration CANNOT HAVE THE NEW WORLD ORDER OR THE GREAT RESET with us all being able to defend ourselves, so they are trying everything ILLEGAL to try and take our guns from us———–won’t work, because people have learned about this corrupt government and they WILL NOT BE GIVING UP THEIR PROTECTION ANYTIME!!

        • 2 more things the NWO cannot succeed if they are still in place and that is: religion and the family. The gov’t is in competition with those 2 things. Big gov’t doesn’t want ppl to seek comfort in religion or in family, but instead wants to replace those comforts with gov’t. The NWO is working w/ dims to push transgenderism and CRT in schools in order to cause chaos in the family. They’re also trying to diminish God and prayers to God in school (even silently) and in sports events. These issues are part of the plans 0bama still has to “fundamentally transform America”, but now by directing Joe. Ppl never understood the seriousness of what 0bama plans to do. He will plan this and work towards it as long as he lives.

  2. Looks like the Insurgency of the Left, which has been quietly underway for many years has now swung into high gear.

    • Always looking for a way around it. They cherry pick the Constitution, following it only when the rules benefit dims.

  3. I remember while growing up there was a saying that “the only good communist is a dead communist.” Guess that’s no different now than it was then.

  4. He is using the swamp to make laws and do his dirty work. It is to bad that America is not aware of just what power these agency’s have such as doing the debt for college loans. The left just wants power over the people but I guess all the people that do not pay attention think that everything is fine.

    • That’s the big problem, so many on the left don’t know what’s going on bc the news source they choose as libs do not tell them. They are either kept ignorant with lies or lied to by omission and/or complete silence. There are lefties who still don’t know that the russia russia russia thing was created by Hillary to distract from her deleting 33k emails off of her illegal home server, while she and Trump were both running for potus. They still think Trump is a russian agent! It’s interesting that the very things they are indicting Trump for, THEY have done or are doing, i.e., Hunter and VP Joe were unregistered foreign agents – Joe for 0bama till he got too old, and when Hunter got old enough, then Hunter became the bagman for the Biden Crime Family. Dims don’t care about Hunter’s tax evasion nor even that Hunter got caught as an addict with a gun, which is a felony. What they’re really afraid of is if Hunter is connected to the FARA. If the investigating Repub committee can find that connection, it will bring in not only Joe but also 0bama. There was a reason 0bama made Joe a rep to Ukraine and “looked the other way” when Joe was getting bribe money to sell out America, and that reason is not bc 0bama likes Joe or respects him. 0 risked his own political career and his freedom by covering for VP Joe. I think 0 was taking money too.

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