Friday, May 3, 2024

CDC Admits to Hiding Data for Political Reasons


In a shocking interview with The New York Times, the openly admitted that “(the CDC) isn't publishing large portions of the COVID data it collects” for fear that the public might “misrepresent the data.”

Per The Times:

The agency has been reluctant to make those figures public,” according to the Times, “because they might be misinterpreted as the vaccines being ineffective.”

The CDC eventually did decide to publish its data of hospitalizations and death from both unvaccinated and vaccinated Americans, with or without booster shots. But it did so in a manner that obscures younger individuals' overall COVID risks, which is very low, instead attempting to force a comparison between vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals' hospitalization. The exact data about COVID risks by specific age has not been released into an easily dissectible chart.

Jessica Malaty Rivera, an epidemiologist and science communications consultant at The Pandemic Tracking Collective, criticized the CDC:

“We have been begging for that sort of granularity of data for two years,” she told The New York Times, referring to omitted datasets.

This is not the first time that CDC data has been called into question. Earlier this month an “error” caused them to announce that it was “correcting” their COVID deaths numbers, and removing tens-of-thousands of deaths from their totals. Those included removing over 24% of all COVID deaths among children they had previously reported. Earlier this year, a study found that cloth masks, something the CDC has long claimed that would slow the spread of COVID-19, was proven to be practically “useless.”

, a pioneer in the development of mRNA and DNA vaccines, was unsparing in his criticism, calling out the CDC for their practices in an interview with The New American. Malone went so far as to claim that the CDC had spread misinformation and were harming the American people.


What do you think of the CDC's justification in withholding potentially crucial data to the public for fear that it may be misrepresented? As always, tell us in the comments below!

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.


  1. Didn’t we all know the CDC had become the “medical” arm of the Democratic Party? Since day one, there have been rumors and admissions of their “doctoring” the numbers! Several of their people admitted it back then. Our biased media didn’t want us to hear that, so they squashed it. Those people who spoke up were probably fired, bless their hearts. They were classifying Covid as cause of death of anyone who may have had Covid. Deaths from gunshots and auto accidents were being classified as “Covid.”
    This all helped to make the situation more alarming, playing right into the Demos’ hands. And look at us now. We have Biden as President, giving our country away, kids are still wearing masks, Men are winning women’s athletic competitions. And there are three more years of this to go!

  2. All politicians are liars in one way or another;It’s a matter of how you interpret
    the biased news. What is important for we American is that we elect the best
    BUISNESS savvy person for the Pres and V.Pres position. A politician just doesn’t have the adequate background and experience for negotiations with
    foreign buisnesses. Mr. Biden presents as a weak nerd against Putin and others.

  3. CDC has been one of our most trusted medical institutions but it only takes one cycle of lies to destroy that reputation. It is sad to see this happen. Because of this all of the medical community will suffer from the after effects and the people will loose confidence in the entire system.

  4. It takes a sick mind to do what the CDC has done. Our medical leaders are guilty of being self gain seeking and political rather than being the protectors of our nation’s health. Lying is also holding back part of the truth to sway opinion.

  5. There is NO room for politics when it comes to healthcare. CDC management should be fired and replaced with non-political managers. What a disgrace!

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