Thursday, May 9, 2024

Pro-Hamas Group Targets NYC Children’s Cancer Center After Attack On White House


ANALYSIS – Coming directly on the heels of their rioting comrades underreported attack on the White House perimeter on Saturday, pro- protestors targeted the nation's oldest cancer hospital in on Monday.

Video shows loud and aggressive protesters banging on drums while yelling and chanting directly outside the in Manhattan, one of the best and most famous treatment centers in the world.

More specifically, they targeted the pediatric day hospital at Sloan where children were receiving lifesaving treatment.

As The Daily Wire reported:

The hospital was founded in 1884 as Cancer Hospital, the first cancer hospital in the . It also contains one of America's top pediatric hospitals for cancer care, as well as over 120 research laboratories that focus on fighting the disease. In March 2023, the Center became the first in the nation to receive the American College of Surgeons' Level I Specialty Children's Center in Oncology designation.

As the video showed, one activist used a megaphone to yell at the ignorant mob as they marched past the hospital:

“Another complicit institution: The Sloan Kettering Center. Make sure they hear you; they're in the windows. On this day, shame on you. You support genocide, too.”

Well, they succeeded as at least one child who was apparently being treated can be seen looking out of the window of the hospital above the angry crowd.

As the user on X noted above:

Not a good look as pro-Palestinian protestors target a cancer hospital on New York's Upper East Side. The Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center also houses a paediatric [sic] day hospital…

The Daily Wire added:

The hospital has roughly 500 beds for patients. More than 1,400 attending physicians and over 4,000 specially trained nurses work on the Center's staff. “Together, the medical team and support staff manage more than 26,000 surgical cases and over 700,000 outpatient visits for patients across locations in New York City and [beyond] …

The outlet continued:

Social users condemned the targeting of a hospital meant for cancer patients; one wrote, “I went to Sloan Kettering when I had liver problems after I had my first son. Sloan Kettering saves lives. This is despicable behavior on the part of the Pro-Palestinians. Everyone should denounce them.”

But this is only the latest outrage committed by Jew-hating, terrorist-loving radicals. As noted above, the White House was an earlier target. If the rioters there would have been wearing red MAGA hats that violent protest on Saturday would still be all over the news.

As ALN reported Sunday:

Incensed pro-Palestinian protesters attempted to tear down a protective barrier outside of the White House on Saturday night. Footage from the scene has gone viral, showing rioters trying to snap the fence and hurling projectiles at police officers and Secret Service agents on the other side. Many members in the crowd screamed and chanted “f**k Joe Biden.”

According to initial reports, nonessential White House staff were evacuated. One observer claimed to see several sharpshooters on the building's roof.

But there is no need to worry because, according to the media, these are all mostly peaceful protests, just like the anti-Trump Black Lives Matter (BLM) riots of 2020.

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Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. A graduate of Georgetown, London and Cambridge universities, he brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty – at home and from abroad.

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