Thursday, May 2, 2024

State Declares Teachers Can Hide Students’ Gender Identities From Parents


One of America's most populous states has ceded parental rights to teachers.

Starting in September, the government of the State of will give educators the authority to hide a student's gender identity unless that student gives their teacher permission to tell their parents.

The development is particularly noteworthy as Garden State first graders will begin learning about gender identity in September under new sex guidelines.

The Daily Wire reports on the changes from the New Jersey :

The New Jersey education department's official guidance on the subject states that “a school district shall accept a student's asserted gender identity; parental consent is not required.”

Neither a legal name change nor a medical diagnosis is required, too.

“School district personnel should have an open, but confidential discussion with the student to ascertain the student's preference on matters such as chosen name, chosen pronoun to use, and parental communications,” the guidance says.

The Daily Mail has more on the new curriculum, which New Jersey Republicans are using as a cudgel to attack Gov. Phil Murphy and the New Jersey Board of Education:

One of the 30-minute lesson plans, called ‘Pink, Blue and Purple,' teaches the students to define ‘gender, gender identity and gender role stereotypes.'

Part of the Pink, Blue and Purple lesson plan (geared towards first graders) states “You might feel like you're a boy even if you have body parts that some people might tell you are ‘girl' parts.”

Another lesson plan, this one for second-graders called ‘Understanding Our Bodies,' tells teachers to instruct students that ‘being a boy or a girl doesn't have to mean you have those parts, there are some body parts that mostly just girls have and some parts that mostly just boys have.' 

Patrick Houck
Patrick Houck
Patrick Houck is an avid political enthusiast based out of the Washington, D.C. metro area. His expertise is in campaigns and the use of targeted messaging to persuade voters. When not combing through the latest news, you can find him enjoying the company of family and friends or pursuing his love of photography.

  2. If those children are able to identify what a woman is, please let the newest Supreme Court Justice know

  3. I couldn’t even believe what I was reading. A parent/child relationship should be treated with the upmost respect, especially children of such a young age. The pandemic put all children’s education last in our country and NJ teachers couldn’t keep their students current on the subjects they teach. So, teaching English, Math, and Geography are not as important to them as having them do gender identity? New Jersey has gone Nuts!!

  4. Last time I checked, PARENTS pay taxes, which employ teachers, to TEACH the children of PARENTS. If a TEACHER feels he / she should be the GUARDIAN of a child if the conduct of the PARENTS warrant removing the child from their custody, then the TEACHER should petition a COURT to intervene. Absent misconduct on the part of the PARENTS, the TEACHER is OUT OF LINE and should be terminated and his / her teaching license / credentials REVOKED. Government is supposed to be of, by, and for the People (citizen). The New Jersey law is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and ALL who support the law are violating their oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States. Hooah!

  5. I guess they will hide sexual harassment and rape from the parents also!! How nice, teachers can now groom children for anything. And now it is legal. This just says the parents are not fit to raise their own children. WTF!!

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