Wednesday, May 8, 2024

New Research Combats Damning Liberal Narrative About Gun Owners


A new scientific study published in the Journal of Surgical Research reaffirms a fact that many law-abiding gun owners already know to be true: There is no association between lawful firearms sales and rates.

The study — “Legal Firearm Sales at State Level and Rates of Violent Crime, Property Crime, and Homicides” was conducted by , MD, FACS, FCCM, a member of Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership (DRGO).

DRGO is a project of the (SAF).

SAF's Founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb noted in a release issued by his organization that “DRGO is an important project of the Foundation because anti-gun billionaires such as Michael Bloomberg are funding research that tries to portray guns and gun ownership as a disease.”

Dr. Hamill worked with a team of nine other doctors to reach their conclusions

The new report is based on a detailed, objective 50-state analysis of data from the National Instant Background Check System, the Uniform Crime Reporting program, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System covering the years 1999-2015.”

Dr. , the Executive Editor of DRGO, also added the following:

“This confirms what those of us already know who follow all the research by medical, criminology and economic experts … lawful gun possession is in no way related to homicide or other crime rates, and the constant drumbeat of anti-gun researchers and activists is a house built on sand.”

The press release continues:

Dr. Hamill is an assistant professor of surgery at the University of Nebraska, a longtime gun owner and a officer in his previous career. His experience, expertise and thoroughness makes his team's findings unimpeachable. In 2019, he published earlier research, “State Level Firearm Concealed-Carry Legislation and Rates
of Homicide and Other Violent Crime”
 in the Journal of the American College of Surgeons. In this, he and his co-authors do the same careful work analyzing 30 years of data state-by-state.

“The take-home from these two studies is that neither lawful gun ownership nor concealed carry regimes can be correlated with rates of homicide or other crime,” Dr. Young said. 

Read more at DRGO: “Dr. Hamill vs. the Empire (Again)”  and in Hamill et al‘s two papers.

Victoria Snitsar Churchill
Victoria Snitsar Churchill
Victoria Snitsar Churchill is a proud immigrant and naturalized U.S. citizen with a decade of experience in grassroots politics and community organizing. Her writing has been featured in many online publications, including Campus Reform, The Daily Torch and The Daily Signal. As an undergraduate at the University of Kansas, Victoria appeared in media outlets such as CBS News, TIME Magazine, The Washington Post Magazine, The Blaze and NRATV. Victoria is also a former NCAA D1 student-athlete and Kansas College Republicans State Chair. After moving eleven times in six years, Victoria resides in Arlington, Virginia and enjoys overpriced brunch on Sundays with her husband.


  1. There is a problem in reporting today, even though this guy is an expert and his facts are straight, the liberal media and liberals in general will not argue the points or facts he is laying out, they’ll just trash him; if they even report it at all. And we as conservatives already know what he’s saying to be true. How do we get the blinders off the blind being led by the liberal narrative vomiting blind?

    • If you are liberal, you are for liberty. Stop allowing DINOs to define themself as liberal, for progress, or for democracy. They want to suppress the government and deny them the right to say NO when consent is asked.

  2. Facts do not matter. Only feelings count with DINOs, Democratic In Name Only gangsters. And Deep State DINOs are interested in stealing power by censoring the soap box, denying the jury box, defrauding the ballot box, and emptying the cartridge box.

  3. Carry armed, or be “Carried” by your arms! Be prepared to stand your ground, and to Defend yourself and Family! God and Country!

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