Thursday, May 16, 2024

California Seeks To Regulate All-Electric Trucks Into Popularity – And You’re Gonna Like It!


There are many things wrong with this plan.

By now you've likely heard that California not only wants to make it illegal to buy a gas- or diesel-burning passenger car in the state by 2035, it wants to do the same with over half of heavy trucks. That means in just 12 years the majority of semi-trucks, dump trucks, etc. sold in the state will need to be “zero emissions” or in other words trucks that don't produce emissions directly. (RELATED: Energy Chief Insists All Military Vehicles To Be All-Electric By 2030)

Will congestion pricing be charged in a city where you live?

There are many things wrong with this plan, namely the top-down authoritarian approach to governance. This is more akin to how the was run in the USSR and isn't too far off from how the Chinese Communist Party runs things, which doesn't seem to be a coincidence. That is the number one reason to oppose the imposition of electrification on everyone.

Another point many have brought up is the sheer amount of electricity EV heavy trucks would require. Yes, has literally had trouble keeping the lights on in recent years, particularly during heatwaves, so being concerned about how it will provide power to these trucks it will require is entirely reasonable.

There was a famous study done about electric truck stops last year. One of the more interesting points to come out of that was the conclusion some of the EV truck stops would require the same amount of electricity as a “small town.” Perhaps that's why China, which is pushing its citizenry into EVs as well, is building two new coal-fired power plants on average every week. (RELATED: California Pushes New ‘Equitable' Energy Policy)

If this “green” push is all about air pollution, then someone forgot to tell the CCP that's the point. At least they understand it's necessary to ramp up generation dramatically for the plan to have a prayer of working.

While still important, the question of how truck makers will secure all the necessary minerals to manufacture the batteries to comply with California's mandate isn't even as vexing as these other questions. There is also the issue of EVs costing more than ICE vehicles, something we keep hearing will go away if we all just comply with this push.

The fact is the adoption of the automobile wasn't done by edict or compulsion. People chose to use cars in large numbers decades after they were first introduced to public roads because people like Henry Ford found a way to make them affordable and practical. If EVs were truly as compelling as so many argue, no government would need to step in and force them on businesses and private individuals. (RELATED: Both Parties Favor Statism In Their Own Way)

Images via Tesla, Volvo Trucks, Freightliner

This article originally appeared in The Auto Wire. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News. Republished with permission.

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Steven Symes
Steven Symes
Steven has loved all things on wheels from an early age. He started off admiring Corvettes and Porsches, but his tastes have grown to include a variety of everything, from classic to modern vehicles.


  1. and here we go again with Commiefornia and their bad Ideas, mandating change before the technology can support it

  2. Just when the California shit-show can’t become any more ridiculous, Gavin Newsom shows us that it can. He has his eye on the White House, so be warned: this can and will come to a state near you if he becomes President Dictator-in-chief.

  3. Wherever democrats have the upper hand in cities, the cities become third-world cess pools. Never, ever, vote for a democrat. They will do anything to get or stay in power. If you are a conservative in a blue state, get out now.

  4. We cannot generate enough electricity to keep the lights on especially in the summer months and if all the vehicles are suddenly EV we are going to see more rolling blackouts. Can you imagine how much power will be required for just one truck stop? And how are we going to handle charging for an apartment building with a hundred people?? Also, most of the material required for these batteries is not readily available here in the US so once again we are dependent on countries that are not our friends. It is easy for governments to make mandates because it is somebody else’s problem to make it happen.

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