Wednesday, May 1, 2024

FBI Agents Point M-16s At Innocent Children Of Catholic Father


, a devout Catholic father of seven, spoke before the on Tuesday and related a terrifying incident with federal agents and a subsequent legal dispute that endangered his family's safety.

In the event, five federal officials showed up at Houck's house around 6:30 in the morning brandishing M-16 weapons at him and his seven children. This happened on September 23.

Houck described the circumstances leading up to the confrontation. Houck has been actively involved in activism in Philadelphia for the past 20 years. He spoke of a cordial encounter that occurred on October 13, 2021, while he and his son, age 12, were outside an facility praying.

After giving books to two women who had left the facility, an escort from the structure impeded him and started a conversation.

Later, the same bodyguard, who was later identified as Bruce Love, approached Houck's son and began to torment him, calling him names and making erroneous assertions about what his father was planning. Houck attempted to step in and ask Love to keep a polite distance, but the verbal abuse persisted.

When Houck finally punched Love in support of his son, the Philadelphia Police Department, and the district attorney later dismissed the resulting criminal charge.

Houck and his family's experience did not, however, come to an end there. He received a target letter informing him that he was the subject of a federal indictment just five days after the complaint was dismissed. Houck's lawyer had earlier made an effort to get in touch with the assistant U.S. attorney in charge of the case but had not heard back, leaving them in the dark about the accusations.

Houck's home was invaded by federal and state officers on September 23 using both unmarked and marked vehicles, forcing entry. Houck and his wife were confronted by the agents, who demanded entrance while pointing M-16 guns at them without first identifying themselves. Houck's wife was understandably concerned and questioned why there wasn't an arrest warrant for him. Without a warrant, the officers insisted on detaining him, which resulted in a protracted trial and a potential 11-year sentence.

“They pointed M16 guns at me and my wife. My wife comes down and says, ‘Do you have a warrant for his arrest?' They said, ‘We're taking him with or without a warrant.' My wife said, ‘You can't do that. That's kidnapping.'”

Fortunately, Houck and his family were exonerated following a hard four-and-a-half-month trial. Although his family was saved from being torn apart by the verdict, the emotional toll and pain they experienced cannot be discounted.

The worrying episode has sparked concerns over the behavior of federal officials and the misuse of government authority. Concerns concerning the deterioration of and individual rights are raised by the use of threatening techniques and the lack of valid identification during the raid on Houck's residence.

Houck's story serves as a strong reminder that anyone involved in peaceful activism shouldn't have to deal with such harsh responses from the police. The House Judiciary Committee and other pertinent authorities must thoroughly investigate the behavior of the federal agents engaged as this matter receives more attention to ensure that justice and accountability are upheld.

Sassy Liberty

Read the original article in its entirety at Tactical News.

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  1. I’ve just heard that Wray has said that “policies” have been changed to deal with this sort of attack by a once vaunted and respected federal law enforcement group. NO! That is not enough! Those who were involved – at least as far as the man in the street knows since they started a frame/harass and literally attack on Trump to pay for breaking the law and persecuting those who had political ideas different from theirs!! They should be prosecuted just as they have prosecuted many and ruined careers/lives “because they lied to the FBI”! Some of those, in-addition to abuse of power actually lied to Congress and the FBI and have paid no price! What gives? How can this get by? What is wrong with Wray??

    • Wray is a lying progressive snake, with communist/marxist leanings; he has forgotten what it is to be “American” – – he smells and longs for power, privilege and LOTS of money. He belongs in Cuba, or North Korea, so here’s an idea: either arrest and try him for treason, OR EXILE HIM to any communist country that will accept him. If none will, then let him (try to) live abroad, where ever he can find a niche, but NEVER allow him to return to the USA. The same treatment should be applied to Obama, (both of them), Clinton, commie pelosi, shiftless schiff, dizzy lizzie, from Wyoming and ALL the others who have been involved in the coup that’s been brewing for the past TWENTY, OR MORE YEARS!! I would even go so far as to say “dubbya” Bush should be among them – – he’s his daddy’s son and believes in one world order. Exile anyone and everyone who follows that ideology – -they do NOT belong here. Our’s is a Constitutional Republic and the ONLY WAY we can keep it is to STAND UP AND FIGHT FOR IT.!! As for the United Nations, who keeps trying to drive US into compliance, with their OWO, kick them the hell OUT OF Manhattan and OUT OF THE USA- – -get rid of the foreign perverts and don’t let ANY of them to come back here.

  2. Philadelphia is just another liberal trash heap and the FBI punks who pulled this garbage need jailed.

  3. Nowhere in the article, nor in the linked article, except the title, does it say anything about pointing M-16s at children.

    • You must have missed this paragraph. “They pointed M16 guns at me and my wife. My wife comes down and says, ‘Do you have a warrant for his arrest?’ They said, ‘We’re taking him with or without a warrant.’ My wife said, ‘You can’t do that. That’s kidnapping.’”

    • Why would the MSM print something that would show the corruption or are you part of the problem

  4. Is Bruce Love a federal agent. If not, then it sound like two men had an altercation that exceeds, by a few light years, the federal government’s oversight, not to mention illegal use of a weapon to threaten a private citizen, invasion of privacy without a warrant and a generally criminal assault by federal “law enforcement”.

  5. There has got to be paperwork involved. Who ordered the arrest? Who was the agent in charge? At the very least these 2 individuals should be arrested and have to have a court hearing before a judge and jury and if found guilty to do some serious time. Furthermore EVERY govt agency both fed and state should be made aware this WILL NOT BE TOLERATED by the American people and the individuals mentioned above are in prison.

    • You talk like the FBI follows the law.
      Where have you been for 4 years.
      Wray is corrupt and he is the head of the FBI
      Protected by Biden so there isn’t much that can be done.

  6. Welcome to the New Soviet Union, in the post-Christian Democratic Republik of Amerika, where the progressive woke-sters worship Mega-Government.

  7. The FBI is totally out of control.
    It needs to be defunded.
    All the people must go. If they’re agents who do not believe in these actions they should quit.
    If enough quit that will put The FBI out of business.
    If you stay until it is unfounded you will probably have a difficult time getting a job.
    Leaving now you should be able to find lucrative employment elsewhere.
    Protect yourself not corruption at the highest level.

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