Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Just Like Obama, Biden’s Huge Iran Hostage Payoff Will Fund Terrorism


ANALYSIS – Just like the Obama- did in 2015, the -Harris administration is about to pay the Iranian terror regime a $6 billion ransom for five Americans held hostage in Tehran. That comes to $1.2 billion per hostage.

And this payoff will be used by to target and kill Americans and our allies. (RELATED: Biden Silent When Asked About Deadliest US Wildfires In 100 Years)

In 2015, Barack Obama gave the Iranians $1.8 billion in cold hard cash, with as much as $400 million delivered as a first installment on cargo planes loaded with wooden pallets stacked with Swiss francs, euros and other untraceable foreign currencies.

This wasn't just a ransom payment for four American hostages at the time, it was part of the Obama-Biden failed nuclear deal (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action – JCPOA)

As The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board wrote: “Iran keeps raising the price for its hostage-taking, and the U.S. keeps paying it.”

Obama went even further though by releasing between $50 billion and $150 billion in frozen assets.

And yes, it's all great for our hostages and their families, but not for America, or our allies.

The WSJ adds: “This is good news for the unjustly detained people and their families. But if they are released, the mooted price will be steep. Leaks from the Administration suggest that Iran will gain access to $6 billion of its frozen assets in an account in South Korea.” (RELATED: Activists Hold West Hostage While Real Heroes Lay Dying)

Its not just a steep rice for the American taxpayer, it's a steep price for American national security.

Despite empty promises by Biden that the $6 billion they are planning to give the Iranian dictatorship will be for humanitarian purposes, it will most likely be spent by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) to conduct terror attacks against Americans and our allies.

This is exactly what they did with the Obama payoff.

Former senior intelligence officials believe much of the $1.8 billion Obama cash payoff was used explicitly by Iran to fund terrorism. The rest of the money likely ended up in the bank accounts of corrupt Iranian leaders and assorted terrorists.

Expect more of the same now with Biden's similar corrupt deal. (RELATED: Iran Revolutionary Guard Member Charged For Plotting To Kill Trump National Security Advisor)

As the WSJ notes:

Some of it [the payoff] will go to finance the Shiite militias in Iraq that have targeted and killed Americans. Some will likely go to build more drones and missiles that Iran is delivering to to use against Ukraine. The White House recently dispatched more aircraft and 3,000 Marines and Navy personnel to the Middle East to deter Iranian seizures of commercial ships.

The hostages deal would in effect finance Iranian aggression against the U.S. and its allies that the U.S. is spending billions of dollars to counter. It's no accident that one of the five Americans currently held by Iran, Siamak Namazi, was snatched not long after that 2015 deal was struck. Tehran was grabbing new chits for its next ransom demand. “We've been taken for one reason and one reason only—and that's because we're U.S. citizens,” Mr. Namazi told CNN this year.

The hostages deal may also be the first step toward a larger agreement to revive at least some of the 2015 nuclear pact. That mooted agreement would ease sanctions on Iran in return for an Iranian promise to freeze its enrichment of uranium, which has been proceeding toward weapons-grade.

It isn't from the Administration's leaks whether Iran would allow any new or more intrusive inspections of its nuclear sites, but don't count on that. Iran knows Mr. Biden wants to push any crisis over Iran's nuclear program past the 2024 election. This new informal nuclear deal sounds like a less enforceable version of the 2015 pact. Call it money and sanctions relief for promises, and don't expect to have any say in approving it.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. A graduate of Georgetown, London and Cambridge universities, he brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty – at home and from abroad.


  1. How do we get voters stupid enough to elect people who do things like this? An “education system” which indoctrinates kids with left wing philosophy from grade 1.

    • It’s too bad it’s devolved into this, but our government really should start requiring voter competency tests before citizens are allowed to vote.

      If they ain’t competent, then too bad. No vote.

      • The problem with that, of course, is that if leftists (Democrats) wrote the competency tests, the correct answers would be leftist! American patriot answers would be incorrect! Therefore, I oppose competency tests for voting!

  2. This just incentivizes other countries to take Americans hostage so they can ransom them for outrageous amounts of money.

  3. B.S. The 6 billion will go directly for terrorist activities or Uranium enrichment.
    Biden knows it and doesn’t give a damn. Just who are the hostages ? If they are just more Bergdahl type they should be left there. Iran and China are two peas from the same pod. Neither can ever be trusted..

    • Of course, Washington DC can’t be trusted either. Do you really think you can count on the Biden Administration to act in American interests?

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