Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Schiff Wrecked


Today I feel a little less embarrassed, a little bit cleansed. Being a fellow Jew with has become a tad more tolerable after the House of Representatives voted courageously to him for his despicable behavior. Schiff himself asserted pride in his own honorable activities and in his having been censured by a crowd of people presumably less honorable than himself. (RELATED: Adam Schiff Launches Senate Campaign)

This sort of mealy-mouthed sanctimony is facilitated by the left-wing domination of the press. Since the lying reporters will lyingly report that any and all card-carrying members of the left are blameless, the left can always lie freely to support their previous lies. This is what we call in basketball “setting a pick.” One of your teammates steps between you and the opponent assigned to cover you, giving you a moment of extra space to either shoot or drive off in another direction. The press sets a pick to free the Democrat, while setting up a full-court press to confine the Republicans, allowing falsehood to prevail in the public square. (RELATED: Democrats Give Their Media Green Light to Go After Bidens)

In general we say that justice deferred is justice denied. If a man or woman murdered a spouse, and spent the next decade starting another marriage and enjoying life, that is a limited form of “beating the system,” even if new evidence of the old puts them in jail 10 years later. On top of that, it is challenging to put on a trial with aging physical evidence and aging witnesses. But in , this phenomenon is compounded many times over. The short memory of the public makes a decade-old political crime seem a century old.

Schiff, as we barely recall now, ran a Congressional committee investigating President Trump which held hearings and heard testimony in secret. Then he would come out to the cameras and relay the horror – oh, the humanity! – of all that awful evidence echoing behind closed doors. All that talk behind the teak, the pain behind the pine, the history behind the hickory… if we only knew… he would love to tell us, but the delicate witnesses need the confidence of confidentiality…

This is blameworthy on so many levels. The falsehood is its own evil. Deceiving a large body of people… evil. Accusing without evidence is horrid in itself, while pretending there is secret evidence is doubly horrid. He was a faithful student of 's scam, first making up some evidence, then pretending there is “plenty more where that came from” (an old Honeymooners comedy line), then claiming that by now this (manufactured) smoke is so billowy there must be fire somewhere. (RELATED: Is Trump's Indictment Different Than Hillary's Emails Case?)

Incidentally, my years of political writing have exposed me to the impact of blowing smoke. I constantly hear that argument from “man in the street” types whom I meet – sometimes “in the street” – whose main methodology of processing complex evidence is by measuring smoke levels. Adam Schiff was a chain smoke-blower, but thankfully, he got trapped inside of his own smoke ring.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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Jay D. Homnick
Jay D. Homnick
Jay D. Homnick has an extensive background in conservative journalism and political speechwriting. He served as Deputy Editor of The American Spectator for many years and is a Senior Fellow at the London Center for Policy Research. In addition, Jay is a prolific author who draws on his expertise as a Biblical and Talmudic scholar to connect religious teachings with everyday experiences in our increasingly secular society.

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