Sunday, May 5, 2024

Visiting Murder City: Don’t Go To Chicago


By jboch

The fact that people still go to given its violence shows that some folks are either very low-information types or they have a denial response that puts them in danger.  Take this weekend's mass public shooting in the “really nice” part of Chicago.  You have a fight among young people, and people pull out guns including full-auto Glock pistols and blast away in the general direction of those with which they don't like.

For the semi-literate end product of the Chicago Public School system where only about 10% of graduates can read or do math at grade level, the prestige of violence and the gang culture is all these young people have.  They have little to no hope of a good job (outside of snagging a government job), a career, owning their own residence, getting married and having a family, raising kids and becoming productive members of society.


Only a fool would take their family to visit Chicago.

Because frankly, there is very little law-and-order remaining.  And public safety is effectively non-existent.

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