Sunday, May 5, 2024

Chuck Schumer Publicly Blames Tucker Carlson for Racially-Motivated Violence


Earlier today, United States Senate Majority Leader (D-N.Y.) castigated ' top-rated host in a speech from the floor of the Capitol.

Schumer claimed that Carlson is deliberately fanning the flames of racial tensions with lies that motivated a white supremacist to murder 10 Black Americans at a Buffalo supermarket in May. (RELATED: Schumer Stops Republican School Safety Bill in Its Tracks)

As Mediaite reports:

During Wednesday's U.S. Senate session, Schumer devoted part of his floor speech to the beginning of Carlson's Tuesday night episode, in particular his remarks that leaders” stopped trying to make the United States a hospitable place for American citizens,” and instead “just imported new people.”

“Here is what Mr. Carlson said last night, among many deranged things – these are his words,” Schumer said.  “Sometime around 1965, our leaders stopped trying to make the United States a hospitable place for American citizens, their constituents, to have their own families… They just imported new people. That's literally what happened.”

Here's what Carlson said in its entirety:

So, what do you think? Is Carlson or the Democratic Party's embrace of open borders immigration the bigger concern? Let us know in the comments below!

READ NEXT: Tucker Carlson Fires Back at Claims He Inspired Mass Shooter >>

ALN Staff
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  1. So crying Chuckie is at it again. It amazing how the dems can blame everything that happens on someone other than their own failed policies. If we don’t get all the left wingers purged from our government we will see the end of our constitutional republic and it replaced with their version of socialism, with them in control of course.

    • Bill agrees with Gus. Schumer is no saint he should not throw rocks because he has a glass house. Follow the money.

    • America as is, can not survive. It will either break up, largely along racial lines, or it will go down and take everybody down with it.

      • America may not survive, but it will break up NOT along racial lines, but political ones. Many minorities understand the foolish, dangerous nature of the Leftists, who do NOT have their best interests at heart. Hispanics and Blacks are leaving the Democrat Party in massive numbers, because their historic views are more conservative than Leftist. Family, faith, honesty, self-reliance are found nowhere in current Democrat values.
        I am still hopeful that the nation can be preserved, although it gets harder every day.

  2. I blame Chucky Schumer for everything that’s wrong in this country today, including racism. So there. So much for blame.

    • He’s not the only one to blame. There are liberal crybabies everywhere, even in the Republican party.

  3. Right, because pointing out the obvious problem with unfettered illegal immigration makes Tucker the problem. Because everyone should know when your economy is in shambles and the debt is unsustainable, the cure is to allow millions of the worlds poor, uneducated, or criminals into your country. Then spend billions giving them free stuff while your own citizens are suffering runaway inflation instead of fixing the problems here already. Yes, Chuck, it’s all Tucker’s fault.

    The left set out to destroy America and in 18 months they have nearly succeeded. Can we come back from this? Probably not.

  4. From the man that threatened the lives of Supreme Court Justices. I hope this smarmy hypocrite gets his. Legally of course

  5. Nasty pot calls spatula… what? The Democrats have been undermining our Constitutional system of governance since President Wilson by trying to turn our Republic into a Democracy.

  6. I supposed it was ok for PUTZ SCHMUCK SCHUMER to go after our justices with threats that actually, happened to Kavanaugh and others exposing their home addresses. And AG garland took his good ole time in arresting the young thug who was instigated by PUTZ SCHUMER to execute KAVANAUGH!

    • Yours is not the only opinion on that point. Anyone with an IQ above ten most likely agrees.

  7. Shumer and the democratic policies are not only failures, they are working against the American people. Just as he mis-quotes Carlson demonstrates their unwillingness to face the facts. It’s almost like they are hell bent to destroy America.

  8. Schumer is a miserable lying POS. He needs to be removed immediately. Look at the sham he tried to pull with total lies in trying impeach Trump.

  9. Wrong again, Chuck. By the way, I recalled that when you moved from the House to the Senate you said you had a passion to legislate. Not a good thing for a constitutional republic.

  10. Yea, Chuck, that wirlwind you talked about is about to blow right up your (you know what). Just hang on!!!

  11. Schumer wants Tucker to shut up. Of course! Democrats want censorship so that they can lie without restraint. To repeat Tucker’s pithy words on what Democrats want from us, “Shut up and obey!”

  12. The Democrats use the blame game to target people they don’t agree with. We are all responsible for our own behavior.

  13. Chuckis schumer is a idiot and anything that comes out of his mouth is equivelent to what my dog does when he squats on his morning walk..

  14. The racial problem is not as all encompassing as the dems would hope you believe. It started in its current form under Obama/Biden regime and has been fanned by Antifa/BLM groups and cheered on by the senile old man desecrating the Oval Office and communists in both houses of Congress. This is largely confined to large dem run cities, not America.

  15. ROFLMAO….Scummy and crew are solely to blame and he’s just trying to deflect. Tell me, Scummy, why are the biggest problems in your lib meccas???

  16. Chuck Schumer tried to clumsily invert reality and get back at Tucker using the classic Democrat style of attack. What a snake!
    Don’t you think that black racists and the BLM circus with their radical anti-white rhetoric incite violent reactions from mentally unstable nut-cases?
    In his comments about the demographic change, Tucker Carlson was referring to the illegal invaders. Buffalo supermarket victims were mostly local American blacks
    who didn’t break our laws to get here. LOL

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