Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Celebrate Pride Month With Other American Patriots


⚠️ This is a Patriotic Public Service Announcement (PPSA) ⚠️

The radical Left has mandated June as etc. .

And we will all now be bombarded everywhere with rainbow flags and leftist sexual diversity propaganda for the next 30 days straight.

But just because you are patriotic, straight or don't have gender dysphoria, doesn't mean you can't enjoy the month of June.

You too can celebrate this month as a proud member of the LGBFJB (Let's Go Brandon F*** ) Community.

Yes. It's still a thing as long as Joe is in the and not in a Delaware nursing home's Alzheimer's ward.

Don't be discriminated against any longer.

Come out of the closet and tell the Left you won't be bullied for being who you are:

A proud straight conservative American Patriot.

Bonus, you can be a member of the LGBFJB Community even if you are gay or lesbian or are confused about your sexuality.

All you need to be is certain that Joe Biden is horrible and demented and a grave danger to us all.

Be Proud. And Enjoy the month of June.

⚠️ This has been a Patriotic Public Service Announcement (PPSA) ⚠️

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. A graduate of Georgetown, London and Cambridge universities, he brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty – at home and from abroad.


  1. This is the kind of click bait headline that is an attention grabber. Already saw tee shirts with those initials in Fukuoka (Japan). Lots of giggling. Most Japanese think JB is a dangerous demented man.

  2. Have no problem with “gays”. Do have a problem with “trans”. Have these people never heard of genetics and chromosomes?

  3. I think June offers an opportunity for patriots to take pride in the Second Amendment. Imagine a great parade in which civilians march with their favorite firearms. This suggestion does not ignore the patriot-parade idea, it offers a visual way to emphasize it.

  4. No Politician who supports Gun control should get Armed Protection Paid for by Those They are Trying to Disarm! That’s what this is About.

    • I agree with that and I think I’ll contact my representatives to see what can be done about it. If there’s a way, I won’t give them another dime that is going to be spent in that manor. Think they can leave us defenseless while they spend our money to defend them against everything everybody else has to put up with, makes no sense. Just another perk they have given themselves, like their salaries, insider info, and cushy jobs when their through at the government teat.

  5. The American woke culture recognizes that gender and sexuality are social constructs, so an individual is free to choose them at will. This is called combinatorial sexuality and is the woke culture equivalent of the Buddhist state of Nirvana.

     Since three pronouns is the commonly accepted number for individuals, the number of permutations of three pronouns taken three, two, and one at a time is 15. If we include all possible pronouns then the total number of permutations rises as seen below.

    What Republicans can do is create a “Cafeteria Menu” of gender options with three columns, one for each pronoun, and ten rows, each dedicated to a sexual orientation variant. That will so greatly expand gender choice that even Leftists will have a hard time finding gaps or criticizing it. 

    FWIW, ten orientations taken three at a time yields 720 permutations. If Republicans, those Trogs, protest that pronouns shouldn’t be repeated in one’s list of personal pronouns, then the number comes down to 120. That isn’t as big, but still numerous enough to include most people. In other words, it will produce the greatest good for the greatest number.

  6. Respectfully, I cannot support what Pride Month is celebrating; sodomy and all manner of perversion which is an abomination to God Almighty

  7. Love the sinner but not the sin. Teach them that their unwillingness to abandon the sin will only cause their eternal unhappiness and suffering. We are in our state of testing to determine if we will follow God’s commandments or not. Those who do not follow His commandments and do not repent will not be allowed back into his presence and will be cut off. We know how the story ends and who will be victorious…so who’s side do you want to be on? The choice is yours. So are the consequences of your choices. Choose wisely.

  8. I dont reconize pride month Thats for creeps only I dont believe in their culture its sickening

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