Saturday, May 4, 2024

Third Lawmaker Switches To Republican Party In Less Than A Month


Another lawmaker has left the . The announcement comes less than a month after a colleague in the same legislature gave the House GOP a supermajority by switching parties.

It come days after a Democrat, , switched parties, giving Republicans a veto-proof majority in the North Carolina House of Representatives. At a press conference, Cotham concluded that her former party “has become unrecognizable to me and others across the state.”

With the news Monday night, state Rep. became the third Democrat to abandon their party in a month, handing decisive majorities to the GOP in two conservative states run by Democrat governors.

The Baton Rouge Advocate reports:

Republicans in the state House recently gained a supermajority – a crucial threshold for overriding vetoes and passing tax measures – because another Democrat, Rep. of Delhi, switched to the GOP. In that case, the state GOP held a press event touting the news.

Thompson left the Democratic Party following 50 years of electoral service.

LaCombe's switch was lower profile. He confirmed the move Monday, but didn't state his reasons.

His decision comes as the Republican-led Legislature convenes in Baton Rouge for its regular legislative session, during which lawmakers will tackle insurance issues, decide where to spend an influx of additional tax dollars and take on a host of culture-war issues in an election year.

Louisiana was once dominated by Democrats, but in recent years the GOP has assumed immense power. While Edwards won two improbable terms as governor, all other statewide elected officials are Republicans. The GOP holds a supermajority in both chambers of the Legislature, and they asserted their power by drawing district maps that favor Republicans in last year's redistricting cycle.

Demographic changes and explosive population growth make North Carolina more competitive than Louisiana, but the GOP retains a advantage.

With Cotham's formalized party switch complete, North Carolina Republicans have introduced several previously dead-on-arrival bills.

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Patrick Houck
Patrick Houck
Patrick Houck is an avid political enthusiast based out of the Washington, D.C. metro area. His expertise is in campaigns and the use of targeted messaging to persuade voters. When not combing through the latest news, you can find him enjoying the company of family and friends or pursuing his love of photography.


  1. A wise choice, Ms. Cotham! The Democratic Party has indeed become a party of DemoCreeps, totally unrecognizable. I would be ashamed to be one of them: Marxist worshipers of POWER.

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