Wednesday, June 26, 2024

University Demands Students Hoping To Unravel Diseases Pledge Allegiance To DEI

If you’d like to be a molecular biologist at Yale, you’d better brush up on DEI. This is not the idea that molecular biology might...

Ex-Diversity Chief At Facebook And Nike Stole $5M From Fake DEI Events

ANALYSIS – Most conservatives instinctively understand that diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) is a dangerous and divisive neo-Marxist ideology in disguise. Most also understand...

UNC Unanimously Votes To Abolish DEI Programs And Repurpose Funds For Campus Police

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's Board of Trustees unanimously voted to divert $2.3 million from diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs...

Biden State Department Hides Growing Funding For Radical DEI Efforts

ANALYSIS – With so many critical American national interests under threat in the world, Joe Biden, and his band of woke warriors continue to...

The North Face Encourages Customers To Attend Diversity Training

A large clothing company wants all of its customers to attend diversity training and is offering them a financial incentive to do so. The...

Taxpayer-Funded Defense Think Tank Hosting Anti-White Author

ANALYSIS – Drain the swamp! – I guess MITRE Corporation, the prominent national security-oriented think tank that has helped embed the diversity, equity and inclusion...

Investigation Reveals Texas Universities Developing Strategies To Bypass Laws

The Texas government has banned Diversity, Equity and Inclusion programs from...

Musk Exposes Disney’s DEI Agenda

Just how woke is Disney these days? Elon Musk claims to have evidence. The issue here is this diversity, equity and inclusion, or DEI. The...

Foreign Influence May Be To Blame For Ivy League Silence On Antisemitism

One of the big puzzles is why the Ivy League colleges won’t crack down on the antisemites among their student bodies. The answer could...

Woke Colonel’s Promotion To General Blocked By GOP Senator

ANALYSIS – Yes, he is "woke." And, no, he should not be promoted to brigadier general. Let’s be clear, I use the term woke...

Elon Musk Launches Scorched-Earth Campaign Against DEI Organizations

In clear and unambiguous language, Elon Musk is contending that diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs are detrimental to society and should be discontinued. "DEI...

Leftist Teachers Union Official Targets Rich Jews For ‘Class War’

ANALYSIS – In various unhinged social media posts, an antisemitic neo-Marxist "educator" called her well-off Jewish neighbors in the far-left enclave of Montgomery County,...

Starbucks Sued After Implementing Eric Holder’s Diversity Recommendations

The Seattle-based coffee powerhouse Starbucks hired former Biden administration Attorney General Eric Holder to conduct a civil rights audit after the death of George...

Principal Relentlessly Accused Of ‘White Supremacy’ Commits Suicide

A former principal with Canada's largest school board has died. According to his attorney, Richard Bilkszto took his own life after enduring years of...

