Foreign Leader Facing Imminent Disaster Thanks to Remarkable Ineptitude

Even autocrats are afraid of high prices. It’s not because they can’t afford them – having unfettered access to the public purse cushions inflation’s blow. It’s that rising prices can lead to instability…which can sometimes lead to autocrats being chased from office in the dark of night. (RELATED: Senate Democrats Unanimously Vote With China to […]

Poll Reveals Overwhelming Majorities See Biden and the Media as Threats to Democracy

Overwhelming majorities of Americans believe President Joe Biden and the mainstream media are authoritarian “threats” to their freedoms, a mainstream media poll finds. A new Siena College/New York Times poll finds that 71 percent of registered voters believe “American democracy is currently under threat.” And among those voters, they see President Joe Biden, Democrats and […]

Quebec: Attempting to Do Immigration Right

Even as the Biden administration has effectively erased the southern border of the United States, our neighbors to the North seem to be waking up to the importance of borders. Quebec Premier François Legault, whose CAQ party (Coalition Avenir Québec/Coalition for the Future of Quebec) won a majority by running on a responsible immigration platform, has secured […]

Top Democrat House Candidate Promoted Pornographic Book to Kids

Eric Sorenson, a Democrat nominee for U.S. Congress in a closely-watched Illinois race, was on the board of a left-wing organization that promoted a notorious pornographic book to children. Sorenson even defended giving explicit porn to children as an act of “intellectual freedom.” Beginning in 2019, Sorenson was a member of the board of directors […]

Rising Rates Will Obliterate Central Myth About Government Debt

Interest rate hikes affect more than how much people pay for mortgages, car loans and credit card debt. Higher rates also affect how much money the federal government must put toward financing the national debt. Unsurprisingly, those payments are getting larger, too. And there’s a real possibility interest payments on the federal debt could exceed […]

Will America Be Able to Avoid Europe’s Ongoing Heating Problems?

The energy headlines out of Europe for the last few months have all told a similar story: Supply disruptions – thanks to Putin’s war on Ukraine – are driving prices through the roof. And higher prices threaten to push the European economy into recession. For the most part, the U.S. – as a net energy […]

The Silence is Deafening, the Darkness is Blinding

The “War on Cops” – though ignored by mainstream media outlets and the White House – continues to accelerate at a lightning pace. Those who serve and protect are facing rising violence while being abandoned by the political elites. Eleven hero police officers were killed in the last two weeks and most of those murders […]

How ‘Woke’ and Compromised is the FBI and Its ‘Agents Association’?

ANALYSIS – As someone involved in national security for over 30 years, I’ve written a lot about the FBI – about its successes as well as its politicization and corrupt, partisan leadership. I’ve even argued that perhaps the entire FBI should be dissolved or broken up. But I’ve generally defended the rank-and-file field agents, some of whom […]