3 Gun Rights Battles Raging Right Now

New York: 2AF Fights NY Ban on Carrying in Churches The Second Amendment Foundation (2AF) filed a case this week to contest a New York state ban on carrying firearms in churches. Churches are included in the list of “sensitive locations” where carrying firearms is prohibited under new laws enacted in the state of New […]

Disgraced Federal Reserve Should Keep Going (Seriously)

There’s a steady drumbeat in some quarters of Wall Street and the commentariat for the Federal Reserve to back off or at least slow down its effort to tame inflation. While some of this can be dismissed as traders talking their own books, some of it is a real concern that an anti-inflation Fed will […]

Notoriously Leftist College Caught Working With Iranian Terror Regime

Even as it cleans up the wreckage from its latest public relations fiasco and crippling legal judgment, the notoriously leftist Oberlin College finds itself once again defending a dangerous agenda. Federal lawmakers want to know why one of Oberlin’s newest professors, and Iran’s former United Nations ambassador, is accused of having a role in the […]

The Trillion Dollar Solution to Europe’s Brutal Energy Crisis?

Even as Western Europe struggles with how to meet its near-term energy needs this winter and in 2023, there is a potential solution sitting right under its feet – the largest natural gas field on the continent. One might think the West would rush to put this resource to maximum use. Instead, it’s in the […]

‘Sizable Percentage’ of FBI Agents and Employees ‘Sympathetic’ to Capitol Rioters

According to information released to the January 6 Committee, a “sizable percentage” of FBI agents and other support personnel are “sympathetic” toward the Capitol rioters. The newly released information comes from an email sent to Paul Abbate, now the No. 2 official at the Bureau. It was publicly released through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. The […]

Tucker Carlson Shares Uncompromising Message With Ukrainian President

If it wasn’t already clear, Tucker Carlson has had enough of Volodymyr Zelenskyy. The Fox News kingpin began last night’s monologue by going after the most liberal members of Congress, including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, for voting to send billions in military aid to Ukraine despite expressing some misgivings. (RELATED: Ex-Fox News Personality to Testify at Jan. […]

Iranian Special Forces Are in Ukraine Helping Russia With Suicide Drones

As the dangerous alliance of rogue states China, Russia and Iran grows, Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) troops are reportedly ramping up their support for Putin’s invasion by now serving actively in Ukraine. This, despite official denials from both Russia and Iran. The 50 or so IRGC specialists have supposedly been deployed to train Moscow’s forces to […]

War on Cops Continues: 10 Officers Shot in Three Days

In a violent week for police nationwide, two Bristol officers were killed and a third seriously injured while responding to a fake 911 call Wednesday night. The incident brings the tally of officers shot since Tuesday to 10. Flags fly at half-mast across Connecticut on Thursday in honor of the two officers killed in the […]