Canada Demands Navy SEAL Delete Video of Sniper – Is This Why?

The Canadian government is demanding a retired Navy SEAL and internet personality take down a video of the world’s longest sniper shot taken by a former Canadian service member. What’s Ottawa’s problem, you ask? According to retired Navy SEAL and podcaster Shawn Ryan, it goes beyond the Canadian Armed Forces’ claim that Ryan disclosed sensitive […]

Jimmy Carter Enters Hospice Care

Former President Jimmy Carter has entered home hospice care. Carter, 98, has decided to spend his remaining time at home with his family rather than seek further medical interventions, according to a statement from The Carter Center. Carter is the oldest living former president. Since 1984, he and Rosalynn have worked closely with Habitat for […]

Publisher Rewrites Classic Children’s Books to Be More Inclusive

Roald Dahl’s most popular books have been rewritten more than three decades after his death. Publisher Puffin Books hired sensitivity readers to remove language deemed offensive in Dahl’s works. The alterations are extensive. In the new version of “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,” The Guardian notes that Augustus Gloop is now described as “enormous,” not […]

Americans Rate Biden Economy as Among Worst Ever

Two years into Joe Biden’s presidency, a new Gallup poll finds a near-record share of Americans say they are financially worse off now than they were a year ago. In Gallup’s latest survey of Americans’ attitude toward the economy, only 35 percent of Americans say they are better off now than they were a year […]

Time to Sack Paternity Pete

Fire Pete! It turns out that serving in the Biden administration is the equivalent of getting a Democrat participation trophy. You don’t have to excel or be competent or even show up for work.  Just look at Secretary of Transportation Peter Buttigieg. He should have been fired well over a year ago, but he still […]

US Military Investigating if Cancers Linked to Missile Silo Work

The U.S. Air Force is investigating after “a growing list” of missile crew members at Malmstrom Air Force Base were diagnosed with cancer. Missileers there have non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and other cancers “exceeding normal rates.” The Washington Post has more on the plight of the airmen: Mark Holmes spent his last 16 months battling Stage 4 […]

Biden: Some White People Still Want Racial Violence

Then-candidate Joe Biden ran for president on the idea of a return to normalcy. The concept of adhering to presidential norms, unwritten rules and traditions, historically followed by leaders of both parties. A belief that leaders practice common civility. While Trump’s flouting of these rules appealed to his base to varying degrees, they helped Biden […]

Hard Blow to Putin – No More Viagra for Russia

Hitting Russia where it hurts… ANALYSIS – We have now learned that American pharmaceutical company ‘Viatris,’ a new spinoff company under Pfizer, which produces Viagra, is doing its part to battle the Russian bear. It is making it much harder for Russians to get the original Viagra brand-name erection-enhancing medication. The company could afford this […]

Guns of Pop Culture: ‘Collateral’ & the HK USP 45

In Collateral, Tom Cruise plays Vincent, an enigmatic assassin who has several stops to make during a single night in Los Angeles.  The film is a slow burn punctuated by several intense action sequences. Vincent receives a package — from Jason Statham, of all people — containing his weaponry, information on targets, and more. Vincent’s primary […]