California Man Arrested Over 19th Century Pistol

Ages ago, my family got into Civil War reenactment. As a result, we had tons of catalogs laying around that had all manner of stuff from around that time. Obviously, I liked the guns. Perhaps my favorite, based purely on aesthetics, was the pepperbox revolver. If you’re unfamiliar with it, think of a Gatling gun […]

Professor Suspended After Advocating To Silence Speech With Violence

A professor at Wayne State University in Detroit has been suspended after he advocated for killing speakers he disagrees with. The professor, Steven Shaviro, was responding to the Stanford Law School students who shouted down a conservative judge. Accuracy in Media responded by sending mobile billboards to the Stanford campus to hold those students accountable. Shaviro took […]

White House Claims Anti-ATF Effort Will Help Cartels

The American left has been accused of essentially weaponizing the Department of Justice to go after their political enemies. None seemed to have embraced that effort more than the ATF. Time and time again, we’ve seen the bureau cross the line with regard to carrying out its duties. As a result, it’s sparked a doomed […]

Jordan Subpoenas Pair Of New York Prosecutors In Probe Of Politics Behind Trump Arrest

Congressional investigators are moving quickly to investigate and expose the political motivations behind the indictment and arrest of former President Donald Trump by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, first formally subpoenaed former New York County Special Assistant District Attorney Mark Pomerantz, demanding he appear before the Committee for […]

Tennessee Advances Armed Teacher Bill

As I noted Thursday morning, the Nashville, Tennessee shooting is a prime illustration that a quick and aggressive response saves lives. The problem is that when seconds count, police are just minutes away. What works best is for armed individuals to be present at the site of a mass shooting. That’s difficult to do, of […]

School Superintendent Has Job Offer Revoked For Calling Women Ladies

A Massachusetts educator hired to become the superintendent of the district where he once worked had his job offer suddenly revoked when he referred to two female colleagues as “ladies” in an email. Vito Perrone’s accepted offer to become superintendent of the West Springfield Public Schools system was revoked in an emergency meeting of the […]

War Beaver: The Battle Of The Trench

Warning. This is uncensored battlefield footage. Trigger warning for sissies and people who don’t like beavers. As you’ll see, our protagonist is dragged free of the trench by a Ukrainian soldier. We cannot independently confirm whether the beaver is responsible for the entrenchment he’s attempting to control, but it seems likely. Castor fiber (that’s the species of […]

Firearm Industry Expert, Veteran Testifies Against ATF Overreach

Firearm Industry Expert and Veteran Ryan Cleckner gave the lawmakers a Civics 101 lesson during his testimony against ATF overreach. Ryan Cleckner knows a few things about standing up for what’s right, even when it’s not easy. The former Special Operations sniper, lawyer, author, former NSSF staff member, firearm safety advocate, industry alumnus and entrepreneur […]

It’s Time To Count The Regulatory Cost Of Government

Washington, D.C. – President Joe Biden‘s budget for the coming fiscal year is as audacious as it is reckless. Rather than rein spending in to reduce inflation, he’s proposing to blow the doors off, taking annual federal expenditures from about $6 trillion, post-COVID, to nearly $10 trillion by 2033. If it’s enacted, and there’s a […]