Friday, May 3, 2024

Arizona Caves to Federal Lawsuit Pressure Over Makeshift Border Wall


It's a sad day in Arizona.

Governor Doug Ducey (R) has agreed to remove the makeshift border barrier after facing a lawsuit from the federal government.

Since August, a state agency has been working to close remaining gaps in the U.S.-Mexico border with shipping containers in an effort to help combat the unprecedented number of illegal migrant crossings into the state.

Last week, President Biden's Justice Department sued Arizona and Gov. Ducey for the makeshift barrier, claiming it trespassed on 10 miles of federal lands. (RELATED: Justice Department Sues Ducey for Installing Shipping Containers Along Border)

According to The Hill, Arizona previously bucked demands from Biden to remove the barrier before being sued.

The stipulation, which was signed on Wednesday, commits Arizona to stop any installation of shipping containers on National Forest System lands and remove previously installed containers by Jan. 4 as well as “associated equipment, materials, vehicles, and other objects.”

The stipulation also includes language confirming that the federal government is moving forward with a plan to engineer a “barrier construction” in the Morelos Dam area, located near Yuma, Arizona.

Ducey's communications director, C.J. Karamargin, said the shipping container program was always a “temporary, stopgap” measure.

“We've received indications from the federal government that that is happening. Better late than never, but they're finally stepping up and doing the job that Arizonans and the rest of the country want them to do,” said Karamargin.

The removal of the border barrier comes shortly before Gov.-elect Katie Hobbs (D) is inaugurated. Hobbs has publicly voiced her opposition to the wall and planned to remove it shortly after taking office.

READ NEXT: Former FBI Analyst Sues FBI Director After Being Purged for Conservative Political Views >>

This is a story. Check back with American Liberty News for the latest updates.

Nancy Jackson
Nancy Jackson
Nancy grew up in the South where her passion for politics first began. After getting her BA in journalism from Ole Miss she became an arts and culture writer for Athens Magazine where she enjoyed reporting on the eclectic music and art scene in Athens, GA. However, her desire to report on issues and policies impacting everyday Americans won out and she packed her bags for Washington, DC. Now, she splits her time between the Nation’s Capital and Philadelphia where she covers the fast-paced environment of politics, business, and news. In her off time, you can find Nancy exploring museums or enjoying brunch with friends.


  1. What a crock. There should be NO federal lands. The land belongs to the state and the people.
    Federal government moving forward on plans means they may have a meeting every few years to discuss it.

  2. Republicans will never stand together like the dirty democrats do and get away with what the dirty democrats get away with. After all what would the dirty democrats do WITHOUT the REPUBLICANS…..DISGUSTING!

  3. With Ducey removing the shipping containers, Hobbs will do nothing to keep illegals out of Arizons. Ship them all to Phoenix and let Hobbs figure out what to do with them.

  4. Let’s just “slow walk” this order to match the same timing of the Federal Gov’t materials delivered to the job site where the current container wall sits. When the Fed begins to build a 100 meter section, then remove a 100 meter section… until complete.

  5. I think Biden should give the money back we spent on the wall. What this screams is that this administration wants open borders. This is treason and he should be hung for it.

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