Thursday, May 2, 2024

Republican Congressman-Elect Admits to Lying About His Background


Responding to a growing firestorm following a Times exposé, New York Rep.-elect admitted last night to lying about large parts of his background.

Besides admitting to lying about his college and work history, Santos, 34, acknowledged that he is Catholic, not Jewish as previously believed, but he said his maternal grandmother converted from Judaism to Catholicism, which makes him “Jew-ish.”

Santos' remarks came in an interview with the New York Post:

“I am not a criminal,” Santos said at one point during his exclusive interview. “This [controversy] will not deter me from having good legislative success. I will be effective. I will be good.”

Santos' professional biography was called into question earlier this month after the New York Times reported that he misrepresented a number of claims, including where he attended college and his alleged employment history with high-profile firms.

“My sins here are embellishing my resume. I'm sorry,” Santos said Monday.

Santos confessed he had “never worked directly” for Goldman Sachs and Citigroup, chalking that fib up to a “poor choice of words.”

Santos now says he worked for a firm called Link Bridge, which works with the financial giants he first claimed to be employed by.

Santos also claimed that his grandparents “survived the Holocaust” as Ukrainian refugees who fled war-torn Europe, a claim that genealogy records at the Holocaust Museum and the International Center on Nazi Persecution do not corroborate.

Still, Democrats may be the biggest losers for failing to examine Santos' background. The Republican first ran for in New York's 3rd District in 2020 before winning in 2022.

The jury is still out if Santos will pay the price for his lies in two years' time. According to POLITICO, many voters in this polarized political climate say they have bigger things to worry about:

“Of course it bothers me,” Daniel Zimmerman, a 70-year-old registered Democrat, told POLITICO as he left a local pharmacy Thursday in Great Neck, a waterfront enclave in the heart of the district. But, he added, he'd vote for Santos again. “Right now I'm a Republican because Democrats, they're destroying our country. I don't like the president,” said the voter who is unrelated to Santos' Democratic opponent, Robert Zimmerman.

A registered Republican outside a Dollar Tree in Glen Cove, another waterfront community in Nassau County, echoed those sentiments, saying she was more wary of the Democratic Party than Santos, canards and all.

“Truthfully, I don't trust the Democrats on anything they say. I see it on the TV and I turn it off,” said the woman, who declined to give her name for privacy reasons.

“Look, I met the guy. He's really nice and we need change in this country. I'd have to look further into it, but it's all alleged,” she said.

Whether or not they're in the majority remains to be seen.

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Patrick Houck
Patrick Houck
Patrick Houck is an avid political enthusiast based out of the Washington, D.C. metro area. His expertise is in campaigns and the use of targeted messaging to persuade voters. When not combing through the latest news, you can find him enjoying the company of family and friends or pursuing his love of photography.


  1. Is there a problem, here? Biden continually “embellishes” his “resume” …
    Perhaps he is just trying to emulate “the best” and most “transparent”?

  2. So, shocking a politician who lies, the real failure is how these things come to light after they’re elected. Seems like a lack of true journalism investigation and a failure of dem/repub parties to vet their candidates. Well, unless those people vetting also have lies in their closet. It’s the citizens paying the price because you find your trusting the lesser of two evils.

  3. Santos is doing nothing more than a prominent Democrat Presidential Nominee has done on Religion. John Kerry maintained he was Catholic not Jewish for the longest time while he was the Senator from the most Catholic state in the Union at the Time, Massachusetts. It came out that he was Jewish only in 2004 when it was lost in the Middle of the Campaign where it got almost no attention from a very sympathetic (i.e., “shilling for the Democrats”) Media.

  4. Maybe he has been watching John Kerry, Chris Coons, Chuck Schumer, or Joe Biden and just got carried away. How can these Democrats say a thing as their lies are dailey as well as deadly. “People that live in glass houses should not throw stones!”

  5. Democrats do this all the time. “Danang Dick” Blumenthal invented a combat record, Hilla the Hun had to race across an airport ramp under fire in Bosnia, and of course, almost everything Joe Biden has claimed to have done was a lie, from being arrested trying to visit Nelson Mandela, to finishing top of his class in law school, to graduating from college with three degrees, to marching with MLK. The only thing unusual about the Santos story, and of course the only reason the disgraceful media have noticed, is that he’s a Republican.

  6. “My sins here are embellishing my resume. I’m sorry,” Santos said Monday.
    No, George, you have nothing in you that vaguely resembles repentance. And the truth of the matter is that your opponent lied just as much, but we’ve not yet brought it to light. Politicians will do ANYTHING to be elected. Their only loyalty is to themselves. May God have mercy on us.

  7. So where does this bring us to with Elizabeth Warren, who lied her way all the way through college and many other incentives about her being Native American?? Sad that these things only pertain to republicans and those the deep state hate.

  8. Old fraud joe, Schiff, Obama, Hillary, Blumenthal, Warren, Pelosi, Schumer have set great lying examples for politicians. They can lie forever and get elected.

  9. There are Jews who believe in Jesus as the Messiah. Some call themselves Messianic Jews and others refer to themselves as Jewish Christians. This means that Santos could correctly call himself a Jewish Catholic. He should not claim to have family that escaped the Holocaust unless it is true. His employment & college history claims could be problematic. Democrats have also been known to lie about their accomplishments. Lying by politicians regardless of party seems to be commonplace.

  10. Well we know this turd lie’s, so sounds like a rino who ran as a republican, but votes with the demo rats because no one is held accountable

  11. So, this person lied. Democrats want him thrown out of office. If that be the case, Biden, Harris, press secretary and the whole administration would be thrown out. every time they open their mouths, lies come out. There is no trust in anything the administration says. They say the border is secure. Yet tens of thousands of illegals come into our country every day. How many billions is this costing our country? Why does Biden want to destroy our country? Why are we having shortages of various items in our stores? Now, medication that could help our children is unavailable. Just goes to show how incompetent this administration really is. You have the Transportation Secrtary saying that this problem with airlines conceling flights because of bad weather will never happen again> What a stupid statement. He does not control the weather. But we hear bull like this every day from someone in the administration. We heard that over a million new jobs were created in the second quarter of this year hen actually only 10000 new jobs were created. All lies! and Biden is the king of lies.

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