Thursday, May 2, 2024

Cardi B’s NSFW Take on Bidenflation Goes Viral


has come a long way from the streets of to be one of the world's most successful songwriters and rappers.

Raised bilingual in the Bronx, Cardi has a unique manner of speaking that's endeared her to many. It's also often quite explicit.

Still, her hot takes on and the rising cost of living make her seem relatable in a way most celebrities aren't. Could you imagine Leonardo DiCaprio or Madonna saying they feel your pain and they want to hold the powers that be responsible and think they were genuine?



Hot Air continues:

She delivers the message in her own way of speaking but she's not wrong. Anyone who has shopped in a grocery store lately knows that the prices are crazy high on lots of products, especially on basic items like eggs, bread, dairy products, and cereal. These aren't luxury purchases, easily erased from a shopping list. These are products the average person stocks in the kitchen to cook for their family or themselves. Cardi B referenced the price of lettuce. Fresh produce is up, too. That salad you enjoy for lunch or with dinner is going to cost you. There is no escaping Bidenflation.

Cardi mentions that her weekly grocery costs are “tripling up.”

She said some critics were asking why she cares because she is very wealthy. To her credit, she took the opportunity to do a little PSA to encourage people to budget their money and keep an eye on weekly expenses, as she does. She said he gets a weekly report on her household expenses to see where her money is going. Cardi B said she has bills to pay, same as everyone else, and people who count on her financial support, too.

She tweeted a much milder message about Bidenflation at Christmas time.

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Patrick Houck
Patrick Houck
Patrick Houck is an avid political enthusiast based out of the Washington, D.C. metro area. His expertise is in campaigns and the use of targeted messaging to persuade voters. When not combing through the latest news, you can find him enjoying the company of family and friends or pursuing his love of photography.


  1. god and his globalists and his globalist puppets; soros and their usps CRIMINAL organization keep on appointing their globalist puppets; demonrat criminal party and rino criminal party .

  2. It’s all part of the globalist agenda to destroy the American dollar and America itself. When they done they will install their New and Improved Socialist dictator system and there will be no cash. It will be a digital currency they have control over . Thus controlling what you can buy and only how much they say. You won’t even have a retirement account as they going to take that from you as well. If you don’t do as they say they will take everything you have and probably kill you as well. All carried out but those politicians they already paid off and enforced by soldier police that like to keep their jobs.

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