Thursday, May 9, 2024

Weakness of New York’s Carry Laws Exposed by Times Square ‘Machete Attack’


Honestly, it was only a matter of time before someone tried something on New Year's Eve at Times Square. You can't put that many people in that tight of a space with that many cameras present and expect that no one was ever going to plan some kind of attack.

And, unfortunately, this time someone tried it.

They didn't succeed.

An American radical jihadist decided to bring what authorities described as a machete to Times Square's New Year's Eve celebration.

A young Maine man who recently became fixated with radical Islamic jihadism wounded two NYPD cops with a massive curved knife just outside the Times Square New Year's Eve celebration, fracturing a rookie officer's skull before being shot by police, sources said Sunday.

Cops and federal investigators are now taking a hard look at the internet history of the 19-year-old suspect, identified by sources as Trevor Bickford of Wells, Maine, to determine if terrorism motivated the bloody holiday attack, law enforcement sources said.

“It's being investigated as a terror attack, 100%,” one high-ranking NYPD official told the Daily News. “He radicalized about a month ago. He's not affiliated with any group. It's more like a lone-wolf situation.”

Bickford expressed extremist beliefs on social , the official said, adding, “He made threats that he was going to attack a public official.”

First, let me commend the NYPD for preventing this attack. They saw something suspicious, acted accordingly, and while several officers were injured, this is a prime example of how things could have been so much worse.

Yet I can't help but think about what would have happened if the suspected terrorist in question hadn't tripped their alarm bells. What would have happened then?

And I know good and well that it wouldn't have been pretty.

Thanks to 's carry laws and the fact that the city declared Times Square as a “sensitive area,” no law-abiding citizen would have had a gun on hand to deal with the threat.

Someone might have had a pocket knife or something, but when you're up against what looks to me like a large kukri, that's not exactly an even match.

No one was allowed to lawfully carry a firearm, all because average citizens cannot be trusted with them.

“But if guns were allowed, the bad guy would have had a gun!” someone might argue. If they did, they need to book an appointment with their physician to see if they're brain dead.


If this guy had a gun he could have brought, do you really think the fact that Times Square was a gun-free zone would have dissuaded him? A giant bladed weapon wasn't allowed either, but he tried to bring that to the celebration. How could anyone think for a moment that the rules against guns there kept him from bringing a gun in the first place?

But were it not for the good work by the NYPD, what the alleged terrorist might have had was a massive crowd where he could have murdered dozens without anyone having any real ability to stop him. That's because lawmakers didn't trust law-abiding citizens to carry a gun in certain places.

Yet now an attempted attack happened at one of those places. It's likely only a matter of time before someone tries it again, only not when there's that level of security, and again, the law-abiding citizens will face that threat disarmed.

They shouldn't have to.

Read the original article in its entirety at

This article originally appeared in Bearing Arms. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News. Republished with permission.


  1. I know of someone who claims to carry his otherwise legal gun with disregard for posted “no gun” areas. But just imagine that someone like that saw and reacted to the bad guy by using that weapon. Even if he stopped a probable slaughter and saved lives, it is likely that the good guy would be rather severely punished. And it’s anybody’s guess how bad guy would fare, if alive.

  2. New York City and New York state suffer from the delusion that they live in a totalitarian country. That the Bill of Rights and Constitution do not apply to their politicians who they elect to rule them, not represent them. These rulers do pretty much whatever they want and if you don’t like it, you can leave, which many have during the pandemic. No amount of guns or prohibitions against having them, bearing them, or using them in any way will ever make New Yorker’s safe from themselves. There are many words to describe them but “American” is pretty far down on the list. It takes more than an address in America to be an American.

  3. New York, both city and state, are run by morons elected by morons so let both rot. Punks with mostly stolen or illegal guns are the majority of the criminal with little done to stop them which is the reason so many are leaving the state which is fine as long as they don’t carry New York idiocy with them.

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