Sunday, April 28, 2024

Biden Pushes Major Gun Control Move Via Executive Order


President plans to announce a major move Tuesday that could affect all gun owners across the United States.

Per The Daily Mail:

“President Joe Biden will announce a sweeping executive order increasing the number of background checks on gun buyers and cracking down on firearms dealers during a visit to the site of a in Monterey Park, California, on Tuesday.

Biden wants to move the U.S. ‘as close to universal background checks as possible' without having to go through Congress when he lays out the plan in the city where 11 people were shot and killed on January 21.

… The president will also take steps to make sure firearms dealers who've had their licenses revoked can't carry on selling , and ask the Federal Trade Commission to issue a report on how gun manufacturers market to children.”

Biden is also expected to announce moves to expand red flag laws, as well as increased background checks for buyers under 21 years of age.

This is a developing news story. Be sure to refresh the page for the latest updates.

Victoria Snitsar Churchill
Victoria Snitsar Churchill
Victoria Snitsar Churchill is a proud immigrant and naturalized U.S. citizen with a decade of experience in grassroots politics and community organizing. Her writing has been featured in many online publications, including Campus Reform, The Daily Torch and The Daily Signal. As an undergraduate at the University of Kansas, Victoria appeared in media outlets such as CBS News, TIME Magazine, The Washington Post Magazine, The Blaze and NRATV. Victoria is also a former NCAA D1 student-athlete and Kansas College Republicans State Chair. After moving eleven times in six years, Victoria resides in Arlington, Virginia and enjoys overpriced brunch on Sundays with her husband.


  1. Once again President Biden chips away at the Rights of Citizens, all the while exposing us to greater dangers.
    It is Biden’s job to secure our borders to make us safer from foreign invasion, human trafficking, and drugs that kill our youth.
    Instead, he is busy, when he is cognizant, doing everything he can to trample our First Amendment Rights of Free Speech, and our Second amendment Right to protect ourselves from the very dangerous situations brought on by the open borders which he refuses to defend.
    As President, he has brought more misery to this Country than any previous Administration, and he has done everything he can to weaken us both at home and abroad.
    His policies have caused sky rocketing Inflation, a significantly weaken military, and loss of confidence in our ability to lead the Free World.
    He has dragged us into a Proxy War with Russia, sending Billions of dollars to Ukraine, while weakening our ability to respond to threats from China as it prepares to invade Taiwan, and expose our allies in Japan, South Korea, and Australia to their aggression.
    Yet we must suffer through this incompetent poser, until the next election.

    • Biden is an incompetent clown. However, the Russians started the war in Ukraine, Obama enabled them in 2014, and they are the bad guys. So I do not believe it is accurate to say Biden dragged us into the war in Ukraine. We are doing the right thing in supporting Ukraine although we could be doing it better.

      • Biden made little to no effort to arm Ukraine before Russia invaded. Only after the fact has he help arm them. Had he been more proactive (thinking Russia would not invade because of sanctions) and not reactive, Russia may not have invaded at all. Notice Russia did nothing during Trump’s presidency. Only after weak knees Biden came into office did Putin invade, Likely based on Obama doing nothing about Crimea.

    • Maybe not. As inept as the old fool is, he may “fall” on the steps of Air Force One or any number of other places and not be around much longer. Of course, then we would have Harris which is exactly why Biden chose her. She is a life insurance policy for him. As bad as he is, she is probably worse.

  2. Ped Joe is an enemy of the US. He has collapsed our southern border and allowed an invasion into the country. He is guilty of treason and should be sentenced accordingly. Nothing that ped does is beneficial to the citizens of this country.

    • Biden’s agenda is on target. As a progressive communist puppet he is working to create as much chaos as possible so that we the people will become frustrated enough to demand that the Biden government step in with strong control measures that will then result in limiting our freedoms to the maximum extent.

      This concept was developed by two Columbia professors Cloward and Piven in the 60’s.
      The following link ( leads to an excerpt from an interview with Glen Beck by Fox News. Please read the excerpt by copying and pasting the link to your web browser. The article is both accurate and enlightening.

      This strategy has been the basis for communist take over of governments throughout history.

      • Good, except that JoBama’s policies are not really communist. They are fascist or corporatist (or both). If they were really communist the rich and the large businesses and banks wouldn’t be supporting him because they would lose their riches and their lives and that is not happening. They are all “Progressives” and progressivism is a precursor to fascism.

  3. The legal scope of a Presidential Executive Order is any employee of the executive branch. Much like a company CEO can make policy mandates that affect his company’s employees only. No US president has the authority to simply mandate laws. Unfortunately, the country seems to have forgotten this little detail, especially the media, which is supposed to be the government watch dog. .

    • Amen, and thank you.

      But a pro-Second Amendment group or individuals have to go to federal court to challenge any of Biden’s unconstitutional executive orders!

      • Yes. Unfortunately someone is going to have to take Nancy Reagan’s advice and “just say no”. That is when the rest of us are going to have to step up and support him/her/them with our dollars – lots of them.

    • And, of course, the media is NOT the government watchdog. They are largely the government’s lap dog (as long as it is Democrat).

  4. “El Duche” Biden cannot do this as he is coming up against the SECOND AMENDMENT of the Constitution as well as the Congress.

  5. How many times has Biden issued Executive Orders only to have the courts strike them down? Ironic how the Dems claimed Trump was acting like a dictator with his “orders” but Joe is much much worse and not a peep from the MSM!

  6. Gun owners are sick and tired of Biden’s ridiculous policies! He’d like to disarm American gun owners but we’ll never cave to the idiot’s pipe dream. Having law abiding gun owners makes the US a country where gun owners out number the military personnel and we’ll join the fight to protect our country against any country trying to take us on. We know Biden would support China over US citizens, he proves that on a daily basis! We are key to the protection of our country, despite what Biden thinks!!

  7. If the House and the Senate had any integrity, they’d impeach and remove this traitorous fool and his cackling sidekick from office, instead of allowing their ongoing ruination of our country until the end of their full terms.

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