Friday, May 3, 2024

Answering In The Affirmative


The 's decision against “” racial preferences in college admissions makes for very good law. I find barely anything to quibble about in either the result or the arguments which underlie the written opinions of the majority. That said, I have always practiced “affirmative action” as an individual, and I probably always will. (RELATED: Supreme Court Ruling Undermines Corporate Wokeness)

People who think like I do are opposed to in general and, as such, are not predisposed toward approving massive government intrusions into the choices made by private citizens. Occasionally riots must be broken up by police with booming speaker systems, goofy plastic shields and tear gas. For the most part, we prefer to see the constabulary playing checkers down at the station while we barbecue in our backyards and try to self-regulate the volume of the music.

So the idea that government should intrude in the organizing of our private lives, homes, neighborhoods, schools and businesses is repellent on the level of governance. Additionally, it is stupid on the level of strategy, as if the government could effectively manage such a project from its faraway bureaucratic perch….

Yet it is important to remember that most of us believe strongly in affirmative action when making personal decisions. I know that when I control a job in my own house or company, which can provide a stepping stone for a hard-working individual climbing the economic ladder. I would always hire the poor guy over the rich guy if I could, giving the disadvantaged the advantage.

The Jewish tradition teaches (in Mishna Avos 1:5) that “the poor should be employed in your home.” The Talmud (Bava Metzia 71a) teaches the list of priorities in giving loans, “The poor man before the rich man, the local before the person from another town…”

In brief, “affirmative action” is an admirable activity when practiced by individuals, and more likely to succeed in that context. As we always remind ourselves, the right believes government should do as little as necessary and as little as possible, the left believes in as much as possible whether necessary or not, and the center goes with as little as necessary, plus the not-entirely-necessary when it can be better delivered by government. (RELATED: This Government Agency Wants to Scan Your Face. What Are Your Rights?)

Just as the Supreme Court victory by the right against has led to MORE charitable groups to help single mothers raise children or arrange adoptions, so too the decision limiting “affirmative action” on race through government should stimulate individuals to stand up to the historical moment and do more to help those who are being held down because of their skin color or country of origin.

We are the people who have stood up to the evil governments around the world, and we are wary about letting our own government become too imperious and officious. Yet as individuals, we are committed – and must recommit now – to lending a helpful hand to those who need that little push to climb the ladder.

We affirm that we will act.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

READ NEXT: Why Biden's Student Loan Giveaway Was Always Destined To Fail

Jay D. Homnick
Jay D. Homnick
Jay D. Homnick has an extensive background in conservative journalism and political speechwriting. He served as Deputy Editor of The American Spectator for many years and is a Senior Fellow at the London Center for Policy Research. In addition, Jay is a prolific author who draws on his expertise as a Biblical and Talmudic scholar to connect religious teachings with everyday experiences in our increasingly secular society.


  1. How sad it is, “affirmative action ” is dead. Why , “We The People” may NEVER get another Joe Biden , Kamala Harris , Hilary Clinton , or Elizabeth Warren[ to name a few really erudite people] in Congress or in the Presidency again. How sad that the mentally incompetent , moral bankrupt will not get to attain freeloader status . They will ACTUALLY HAVE TO TRY , how sad.

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