Monday, May 13, 2024

GOP Elites Embrace Fantasy – But Trump Remains In Danger


The latest in a long series of legal perils confronting former President has generated a storm of headlines and wondering/hoping it spells the end for Trump, his campaign and everything associated with him.

Such wish casting is hardly new. But even the most ardent Trump backers must realize that eventually, the weight – never mind the crushing financial cost – of all these court cases will diminish his appeal to those outside MAGA-land.

But let's be : diminished appeal is not new for Trump in GOP primaries, either. And it didn't stop him from winning. (RELATED: Special Counsel Requests Trial Date In Jan. 6 Case)

Consider: In the 2016 nomination contest, Trump won the delegates needed to claim the nomination, but not a majority of the primary and caucus votes cast.

And let's not forget that at the 2016 convention in Cleveland, Ohio, there was a last minute, and entirely unsuccessful, effort to manipulate party rules to “unbind” convention delegates from their assigned candidates so they could select, it was hoped, a less problematic alternative.

That's all history. It's interesting. But what about today?

Right now, it doesn't appear Republican primary and caucus voters are interested in anyone besides Trump. If anything, they appear ready to give Trump the majority of the overall primary and caucus vote that eluded him in 2016.

That would be a testament to his staying power and appeal to Republican voters. It also explains why for all intents and purposes, he's running this time as if he was the incumbent president – not a one-and-done ex-president. (RELATED: Trump Defies RNC Loyalty Pledge, Will Announce Debate Plans Next Week)

The bottom line with Trump's legal problems, then, is that no matter how many of them there are, how serious they may be, or how much it will take for him to fight them….Trump is still the Republican front-runner because Republican voters like him.

Unless and until that changes, and the GOP faithful flock to someone else, the GOP nomination remains Trump's to lose.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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Norman Leahy
Norman Leahy
Norman Leahy has written about national and Virginia politics for more than 30 years with outlets ranging from The Washington Post to A consulting writer, editor, recovering think tank executive and campaign operative, Norman lives in Virginia.

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