Friday, May 3, 2024

GOP Congress to Focus on Border, Crime, Inflation and Investigating Bidens


ANALYSIS – We are just hours away from a major electoral shift with the Republicans expected to retake the House and possibly the Senate, too.

That will put a hard brake on and the left's radical agenda and make Biden more of a lame duck than he already is.

It may even put an impeachment target on his back.

So, what can we expect from a GOP-led in January?

According to current Minority Leader , the top priority of a Republican-led House would be addressing the horrible migrant crisis at the southern border. (RELATED: Critical Voter Bloc Backs Battleground State Republicans in Record Numbers)

CNN reports: “The first thing you'll see is a bill to control the border first,” McCarthy told CNN when asked for specifics about his party's immigration plans. 

“You've got to get control over the border. You've had almost 2 million people just this year alone coming across.”

Newsmax reported McCarthy as saying:

“there's a number of different ways” Republicans could tackle the migrant crisis, McCarthy added that party lawmakers would not present a bill to fix the broken immigration system until the border is secure — something that would help stem the flow of fentanyl.

“I think ‘Stay in Mexico' you have to have right off the bat,” said McCarthy, referring to the Trump administration's policy that forced migrants to remain in Mexico while awaiting their immigration proceedings in the U.S.

In fiscal year 2022, U.S. border encounters with illegal migrants topped two million, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection data.

Most recently we saw a clash between flag-wielding and rock-throwing Venezuelan migrants attacking U.S. Border Patrol agents who in turn fired pepper balls at the charging crowd. (RELATED: Biden's Border Chaos is Creating Armed Clashes and Images of Invasion)

But tackling Biden's border fiasco is just one of several GOP priorities. 

The GOP to-do list also includes tackling Democrat-enabled, out-of-control and runaway inflation. 

Republicans will also be investigating the hell out of Team Biden.

And there is so much that needs investigating.

Newsmax added that “McCarthy said Republicans also would perform oversight and conduct investigations into administration behavior concerning the disastrous troop pullout from Afghanistan, the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic, and in dealing with parents and school board meetings.”

I would also hope and DHS politicization gets a top spot for oversight as well. Much needs to be done in that highly concerning area. (RELATED: How ‘Woke' and Compromised is the FBI and Its ‘Agents Association'?)

And then they should dig into the increasingly ‘woke Pentagon' and the extreme ‘trans' agenda.

So, expect investigations galore, and 's laptop and shady international business dealings will also take center stage.

But what about impeaching Joe?

While McCarthy insisted, “We will never use impeachment for political purposes,” he left the door open to launching eventual impeachment proceedings when he added: “That doesn't mean if something rises to the occasion, it would not be used at any other time.”

Biden should walk on eggshells for the next two years if he makes it that far without having the 25th Amendment invoked to remove him for senility.

The political power pendulum is about to swing back to the right, and karma is a b*tch. ALD

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. A graduate of Georgetown, London and Cambridge universities, he brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty – at home and from abroad.


  1. Trump is the one who should be investigated for border crimes & disruption!!! He let thousands in so him & his swamp could do quid pro deals to rip off the government by setting up tent cities for immigrants instead of charging around $200 A day they charged around $700 ,and the bogus cheap section of a wall was a rip off ,then there was kidnapping of immigrant kids AND YES IT WAS KIDNAPPING !!!!! Many still haven’t been reunited with their parents because they didn’t keep records where they sent them !!! Trump & his swamp stole so much money from the government that if it is ever found put exactly how much Americans will be outraged I’m outraged & don’t know the total ! And we had incompetent greedy trump along with republicans in congress and Republican governors who should be investigated for responsibility of over a million deaths from covid by not warning people it was coming & how to protect themselves ALL FOR GREED + overcharging government for medical stuff ,& fake companies to rip off the government. And the PPP loans there was no accountability for who got those maunchin gave doled those out to whoever was rich & big donors to Trump another quid pro quo deal and another one was Dejoy as postmaster who destroyed postal equipment ,took mail drop boxes down ,gave illegal contributions ,and used post office to make money for his company . all that should be investigated !!! Republicans want to investigate bogus bull and waste tax payer money when their is real crimes that have been committed !!!!! People don realize what a big crook Trump really is !! And the republican party . if you publish this ill be amazed ! Truth hurts

  2. We don’t need Congress to investigate the origins of the Covid-19 virus; this is a scientific matter that the worldwide scientific community is much more qualified to investigate and, in fact, has been investigating since November, 2019. There have already been many articles published in scientific journals on this topic.

    Congress should investigate the issues that they are qualified to investigate: Biden’s foreign dealings, Pelosi’s insider trading, stuff like that. Those have far more impact on our freedom than a scientific question. Which foreign governments have Biden in their pockets? China? Ukraine? Russia? Whose bidding was he doing when he opened the borders and eliminated US energy independence?

    • The problem comes in when Fauci and the CCP funded the development of the virus. He and the fed gov. along with Big Tech have been censoring information regarding it to the point that we probably cannot ever be sure where it came from exactly. The CCP have also stone walled any investigation.

  3. And all the angry LOSERS COMING OUT OF THE WOODWORK NOW SOUNDING LIKE REPUBLICANS…Funny what a little shift in power can do….SUCK IT UP LOSERS!!!

  4. Ones again, this midterm election demonstrate to intelligent Patriots how unique was President Ronald Reagan in US history. With election of substantial number pro-Putin republican senators and congressman and Kevin McCarthy most likely speaker of the House, there must be loud cheers on Kremlin! If America betray Ukraine, Putin could snatch victory from the jaws of his defeat After eight years of Husein Obama imitating Jimmie Carter in the White House I was convinced that there cannot be worse situation in America. Donald Trump proven me wrong. This ignorant oligarch dressed as politician, targeted primary loyal American allies and reached to psychopathic killer in Kremlin to wage the war on China  (Trump Wants Putin To ‘Join Forces’ On China, Former Adviser Says …  ) . Brave Kurd’s who wiped out ISIS terrorist have been cut out. Then Patriotic Afghans have been sold to Taliban. Iranian general who was instrumental in fight against Sunni terrorist assassinated and that country which during Reagan times has been financing Nicaraguan Freedom Fighters, pushed into Putin arms.

  5. There are several other items that I would like addressed by the GOP controlled Congress. First item – term limits: there should be no more than 4 consecutive terms in either legislative branch. Second item – limit Presidential Executive Orders: these reek of tyranny and attempting to legislate from the Oval Office. It needs to stop. Third item – insider trading: stiff penalties for those that use Congressional knowledge to trade stocks, up to and including prison time. Fourth item – election integrity: Required photo voter identity nationwide. There are others, but these are the top four.

  6. There are so many urgent issues that need to be addressed. My personal wish is that Biden’s war on energy be fixed ASAP. It seems to me that is the basis for many of our current problems, including of course, the loss of so many jobs his first hours in office.

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