French authorities have arrested Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of Telegram, as he was exiting his private jet at Paris' Le Bourget Airport.
The arrest was first reported by French media sources and social media posts. According to these reports, Durov's arrest stems from an ongoing investigation into the lack of content moderation on Telegram. The French government alleges that this has facilitated criminal activities on the platform.
A French agency responsible for preventing violence against minors had issued an arrest warrant for Durov as part of a preliminary investigation into alleged offenses including fraud, drug trafficking, cyberbullying, organized crime and terrorism promotion.
For the latest updates, CBS News is covering the story:
The French-Russian billionaire, 39, was detained at Le Bourget airport north of the French capital on Saturday evening, one of the officials told AFP, speaking on condition of anonymity.
French television news outlets TF1 TV and BFM TV also reported the arrest, citing unnamed sources, according to Reuters.
He had just travelled from Baku, in Azerbaijan, another source close to the case told AFP.
Durov was expected to appear in court on Sunday.
Telegram does often position itself as a platform that supports free speech, particularly emphasizing its commitment to privacy and freedom from censorship. The platform is known for its strong encryption, private chats and channels that allow users to share information broadly without interference. This has attracted users who value privacy, those looking for an alternative to more regulated platforms, like Facebook, and groups that feel their speech is restricted elsewhere.
However, critics argue that Telegram's hands-off approach to content moderation has made it a haven for misinformation, extremist content and illegal activities. They contend that the platform's commitment to free speech has allowed harmful and dangerous content to proliferate, including terrorism-related activities, hate speech and conspiracy theories. Some governments and organizations have pressured Telegram to implement stricter content moderation policies or have even attempted to block the app entirely.
Telegram's stance on free speech is thus seen by critics as a double-edged sword: while it protects individual privacy and expression, it also facilitates the spread of content that other platforms might suppress in the interest of public safety. This tension between free speech and content moderation remains a central debate around the platform.
Reaction to Durov's arrest on X seemed mostly negative:
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