Thursday, May 2, 2024

FBI Agents Reportedly Deliver Subpoenas to Another Batch of Republican Lawmakers


Rumors of more subpoenas delivered to Republican lawmakers by federal officers swirled around the State Capitol yesterday, as reported by PennLive.

Due to the nature of rumored subpoenas, spokespeople for several Republican leaders in the Pennsylvania General Assembly were unwilling to comment.

The Daily Wire‘s Ryan Saavedra reported how at least some Republican lawmakers who allegedly received subpoenas were not being actively targeted by investigators.

Jason Thompson, a spokesman for Pennsylvania Senate President Pro Tempore Jake Corman (R), issued the following statement about the development:

Federal subpoenas typically request confidentiality from the witnesses being subpoenaed in order to avoid impediment to the ongoing investigation, so it would be inappropriate to comment on whether members have received subpoenas or not. If subpoenaed as witnesses, our members will certainly comply with requests for documents or information not covered by an applicable privilege.

The reported escalation follows the FBI seizing Pennsylvania Republican Congressman 's personal cell phone on Tuesday of this week. After the incident, Perry issued the following statement on Twitter via the account of the House Freedom Caucus which he chairs:

According to reports, the subpoenas delivered to Republicans in Pennsylvania's capital city revolve around the investigation into Perry and his alleged association with a scheme to appoint a slate of fake electors to reverse the outcome of the in Pennsylvania and hand the state's 20 electoral voters to the then-president.

Trump's home at Mar-a-Lago was also targeted by the FBI on Monday night in a separate investigation.

As our team reported at the time, “agents carried out a search of the premises as part of their ongoing investigation into Trump's handling of presidential documents, including classified ones that were taken to his residence after leaving the White House. In a statement blasting the raid, Trump said that agents “even broke into my safe.”

READ NEXT: FBI Targets Republican Lawmaker – Here's What We Know >>

Victoria Snitsar Churchill
Victoria Snitsar Churchill
Victoria Snitsar Churchill is a proud immigrant and naturalized U.S. citizen with a decade of experience in grassroots politics and community organizing. Her writing has been featured in many online publications, including Campus Reform, The Daily Torch and The Daily Signal. As an undergraduate at the University of Kansas, Victoria appeared in media outlets such as CBS News, TIME Magazine, The Washington Post Magazine, The Blaze and NRATV. Victoria is also a former NCAA D1 student-athlete and Kansas College Republicans State Chair. After moving eleven times in six years, Victoria resides in Arlington, Virginia and enjoys overpriced brunch on Sundays with her husband.


  1. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

    • And it’s been going on since before he was elected in 2016. Wonder how much it has cost us taxpayers for the democrats to try and find something that they could use against Trump? They keep showing we the people just why we must purge all left wing democrats from our governments, from the county to the federal levels, before they destroy our constitutional republic and turn this nation into their form of a socialist government, with then in total control of course.


    • But can you imagine the fake media running around like their hair’s on fire if the situation gets reversed?

  3. A despot’s first order of business is always to remove any threats to their power.

    It looks like the left is going all out to consolidate their power now. The election of Trump really scared them. They’ve been working to make America into a dysfunctional socialist dictatorship for so long, and Trump seriously threatened their success.

    They are doing everything they can to ensure that nothing ever threatens their power again.

  4. Defund the unconstitutional, politicized, criminal FBI: the American Stasi. Get rid of them before they get rid of us.

  5. I know what the “classified document” is: It’s a video showing Hunter Biden and Joe Biden negotiating the 10% “for the big guy.”

  6. Comrades Xi den, pelosi and schumer are scared to death of the coming red wave and our legitimate president, DJT once again in 2 years

  7. If these pathetic criminal Democrats win ANY election in November then those people who elected them will suffer and within a year will be demanding those politicians be replaced – too late. You get what you voted for.

  8. It’s clear now, when Republicans take the house, they have to immediately, defund the FBI. It has become nothing more than demon rats Gestapo.

  9. Trump will have to be careful. Radiation poisoning may happen. You know how those commies work.

  10. The statement by Garland about equal application of the law are obviously not FBI Policy but Fantasy! AS we have a plethora of glaring examples from demonstrations on the streets and at government buildings. To pollical and Legal efforts to investigate, and Stop election fraud that overthrows the will of Legal voters!
    To state His statements are laughable at the least to a blatant finger in the face of the American people is an massive understatement. The fact is it is criminal as is the FBI and most of the other federal bureaucracies that have grown far to powerful, Invasive, and self serving
    I am one of 30 people who filed a formal complaint against Hillary’s admitted felonies with her ilegal servers. That she Bleach wiped instead of turning over when they were subpoenaed!
    I wrote this song for the protests we engaged in when we delivered these complaints to the NEW YORK FBI office, Chappaqua Police and New York State Police!…/what-happened-to-justice-for-all
    SO tell us again Garland about the equal application of the law!
    Your a MOBSTER as has become the federal Bureaucracy as a whole. Your nothing but an well organized criminal organization bent on assaulting anyone who gets in your way as you destroy freedom, Our security, and childrens future, and everything American once stood for! We The People may not be able to hold you accountable before our nation collapses but I tale comfort in knowing Jesus Will! he is able to make sure your reward never ends and He is far more creative and capable of inflicting much deserved torment than We Are! He is coming soon and he is hunting You!

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