Thursday, May 16, 2024

White House Invokes Hatch Act To Avoid Hunter Biden Cocaine Question


The 's latest attempt to avoid negative press is laughable.

After cocaine was found in the over Independence Day weekend questions are still swirling as to whom the drugs belong to, with some pointing the finger at President Biden and his son Hunter.

White House deputy press secretary was asked during a Thursday press conference whether the president can deny that he or his son owned the cocaine found at the White House – a charge leveled by former President Donald Trump. However, instead of giving a direct answer, Bates shocked experts by invoking the Hatch Act to dissuade any question on the matter.

The Hatch Act prohibits federal employees from talking about or using federal resources for campaign purposes.

“I don't have a response to that, because we have to be careful about the Hatch Act,” Bates responded. “What I will say is that I have noticed there does seem to be some increasing frustration coming from that corner in general, and I think it is probably rooted in the contrast between their substantive policy records.”

Experts were quick to criticize the Administration's use of the Hatch Act.

Attorney Bradley P. Moss told Fox News Digital he is “candidly at a loss as to why Mr. Bates believes the Hatch Act is relevant with respect to addressing that question.”

“I could envision other legitimate bases for declining to respond, such as respecting the integrity of the ongoing investigation, but references to the Hatch Act seem misplaced,” Moss continued.

Former Bush administration ethics chief Richard Painter, who ran for as a last cycle, also told Digital that he has “given lectures at the White House” and published articles on the Hatch Act, but the bill “does not cover snorting cocaine.”

“What the —— does the Hatch Act have to do with cocaine?” Painter told Fox News Digital in an email. “This is the most ridiculous invocation of the Hatch act I've ever heard.”

When asked for comment by Fox News Digital, Bates reportedly defended his answer by saying 's comments were a direct “comment from a declared candidate.”

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Nancy Jackson
Nancy Jackson
Nancy grew up in the South where her passion for politics first began. After getting her BA in journalism from Ole Miss she became an arts and culture writer for Athens Magazine where she enjoyed reporting on the eclectic music and art scene in Athens, GA. However, her desire to report on issues and policies impacting everyday Americans won out and she packed her bags for Washington, DC. Now, she splits her time between the Nation’s Capital and Philadelphia where she covers the fast-paced environment of politics, business, and news. In her off time, you can find Nancy exploring museums or enjoying brunch with friends.


  1. Perhaps this lame attempt at ‘justifying’ the illegal act is because they haven’t figured out how they can blame it on Trump – yet.

  2. They know full well who’s it is. Video is everywhere in WH. The video of Ashley frisking pops pockets on Bennys show was priceless.

    • Gee, guess all the cameras went dead at the same time. Must have had the power go out at the WH. With all the heat in east the AC’s must have overloaded and blew out all the fuses.

  3. They know full well who’s it is. FBI Following Biden’s Instructions. Just another paid cover up. Video is everywhere in the WH. The video of Ashley frisking pops pockets from behind on Benny J’s show was priceless.

  4. Biden has done more than any president in the history of this country to be impeached over!!!!
    Republicans, grow a pair and impeach this miserable excuse for a president ( term I use lightly!!!!
    Border, lying under oath (oath of office, to protect and uphold the Constitution of the United States of America) he done all inhis power to over turn the 2nd amendment, certainly not upholding nor protecting!! Lied under oath many times as senator and VP & President!!!
    Destroying our economy, colluding with China, selling land that is not his to sell to the Chinese, not sound of mind, over taxing, trying to steal from hard working Americans and use those taxes to buy votes. Now cocaine in the White House!!! Impeach him and all who try to overturn the constitution, especially those who took the oath of office!!!!! Impeach now!!!
    The dem.’s have been trying to have a one party rule ever since they lost the Civil War and have to give up their property (the slaves) wake up!!

  5. Just another scandal that will be swept under the rug by the MSM. Obviously if they could, they would say it was left in the WH by Trump. Like all other illegal acts by the Bidens nothing will be done.

  6. Sorry but the Hatch Act does not cover illegal use of a controlled substance in a federal building.

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