How embarrassing…
President Biden's 2024 campaign team has embarked on an impossible mission- to make Joe Biden appear strong, healthy, and competent to serve another term in office and apparently they're pulling out all of the stops.
Axios reported that Biden's team is trying to make sure he doesn't trip in public again after the President was diagnosed with “significant spinal arthritis” earlier this year.
Biden's public incidents have a knack for sparking social media frenzies and triggering concerns over his health as many people think Biden, 80, is too old to be re-elected in 2024.
“Democrats, including some in the administration, are terrified that Biden will have a bad fall — with a nightmare scenario of it happening in the weeks before the November 2024 election,” the report states. “Some senior Democrats privately have been frustrated with Biden's advance team for months, citing the [Air Force Academy] sandbag incident and noting that the president often appears not to know which direction to go after he speaks at a podium.”
In June, the President tripped during the commencement ceremony at the U.S. Air Force Academy in the latest in a string of similar incidents.
Biden has been seeing a physical therapist for the past two years, according to Axios, to work on his balance and counteract what his doctor diagnosed as “a combination of significant spinal arthritis” and “mild post-fracture foot arthritis.”
White House spokesperson Andrew Bates slammed questions he received about this, saying it isn't new and “This article fits an unfortunate pattern of media attempting to sensationalize something that has long been public, rather than covering the president's very real achievements for hardworking Americans.”
In an Associated Press poll this summer, 77% said Biden is too old to be effective for four more years with 89% of Republicans taking that position along with 69% of Democrats.
Another poll from the Washington Post and ABC News this week found that 3 out of 5 Democrats would prefer someone else be the party's 2024 nominee.
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His mind is tripping, and causing him to face plant.TDS is uncurable, and he has many more problems than that, he is in stage 3 of dementia,he can’t continue his job,he is unfit,unstable, and a danger to America and out allies,joe has to go.
Grease the handrails
Slick the stairs
Use drugs
& see Biden stumble & fall for all
If they want Obama to keep running the show from behind the curtain, they’d better find another brain-damaged but younger corpse and fast. At this point, about the closet zombie they have that somewhat meets this criteria is John Fetterman.
Doesn’t matter though, the Dem’s are going down the sewer pipes in 2024 anyway.
They keep talking about his age. His age is not the problem. He has more than a few problems, for me, I believe that him being a total criminal and has a mental disorder are on top of my list.