Thursday, May 2, 2024

Senate Holds Hearing on Possible EPA Ban on Auto Racing


American drag racing champion was among those to testify before a U.S. Senate Committee on the Environment and Public Works hearing on a bill to stop a possible plan to outlaw amateur auto racing.

The Recognizing the Protection of (RPM) Act, S.2763, would block any proposed rule regulating converted street racing vehicles under the , which specifically exempts vehicles “used solely for competition.”

The EPA claims it holds the authority to outlaw street drag racing, in which competitors race converted street vehicles on private roads.

Exercising that authority, the Obama administration proposed enforcing such a rule in 2015, before eventually backing down.

Many expect Biden's even more radical and militant EPA to resurrect it. The RPM Act enjoys bipartisan support.

Nonetheless, John Walke of the ecosocialist National Resources Defense Council testified in support of EPA authority to ban auto racing, falsely implying that allowing amateur racers to convert street vehicles would essentially cause a global catastrophe.

Brown, a champion racer, noted an EPA ban on amateur racing could end all auto racing.

“Most racers don't start out competing in production vehicles. The reality is that for a large percentage of us, our first foray into competing on the track is done using cars, motorcycles, and even trucks that were designed for the street,” Brown noted.

“The reason why boils down to . Racing can be an expensive hobby, and it's typically cheaper to take a motor vehicle and make some modifications to it for the track than to purchase a purpose-built race car,” Brown explained.

“As someone who didn't grow up rich, I'm passionate in my belief that we must offer a cost-effective way to ensure the sport is inclusive, allowing people of all different socioeconomic backgrounds to be able to compete on the track,” Brown testified. “That's why I'm speaking today in strong support of S. 2736, the Recognizing the Protection of Motorsports Act or RPM Act as it's commonly known. Without the ability to convert a street legal motorcycle into a dedicated track bike, I don't know what I'd be doing today.”

“Make no mistake. If you can't modify a motor vehicle into a dedicated track vehicle, this will stop people from getting into racing and deny people the opportunity to pursue their passion. This bill is also important because there are many other career opportunities that will open for young racers as a result of the technical skills they develop while working on and modifying competition vehicles,” Brown testified.

“Amateur motorsports are a unique American pastime,” said Senator upon introducing the RPM Act last September. “This bipartisan legislation provides certainty for folks who enjoy America's long-held racing tradition, in the spirit intended when it passed the Clean Air Act more than 50 years ago. I'm proud to work with my colleagues on this commonsense legislation to protect the legacy of American motorsports for years to come.”

“Folks in the motorsport community have always relied on the freedom to modify their vehicles to race and compete,” added Senator Jon Tester (D-Mont.). “This legislation will codify that freedom into law by preventing unnecessary regulations on motorsport hobbyists, allowing amateurs and professionals alike to uphold tradition while still following the intent of the Clean Air Act.”

has a rich tradition of motorsports and racing which also plays a role in our state's ,” said Senator Mark Kelly (D-Ariz.). “The Recognizing the Protection of Motorsports Act of 2021 will protect Arizona's amateur racers and auto mechanics from burdensome regulations so these enthusiasts can continue to enjoy the hobby and thrill of motorsports in our state and across the country.”

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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Donny Ferguson
Donny Ferguson
Donny Ferguson is a professional fundraiser and organizational manager. Born and raised in Texas, he has lived in Washington, D.C. for 16 years. Ferguson also served as Senior Communications and Policy Adviser in the United States House of Representatives, operating one of Capitol Hill's most effective media operations.


  1. “The EPA claims it holds the authority to outlaw street drag racing, in which competitors race converted street vehicles on private roads.”

    No. The EPA does not have the authority to make laws. NONE!

    This is the business of the congress.

    • Yes, the Supreme court already ruled on this. You can’t stop people from modifying their cars. And they will street race if no other place to go. FK EPA and FK JB

    • My last month paycheck was 13,500 dollars… All I did was simple 0nline work from comfort at home for 5-7 hours/day that I got from this agency I discovered over the internet and they paid me 95 dollars every hour.
      Visit for more detail…

  2. Go head On, piss this group of Americans OFF! This is going to get real ugly, real fast. I already know the lovers in this.

  3. Congressional travel should be limited to mass transit only and only from the place of work & home district. No more junkets.

    • Biden hates God. Biden hates Jesus. Biden hates Christianity. Biden hates Christians. Biden hates the Bible. All these are the enemies of liberal communist like Biden.

  4. There you have it, the DOJ is now.bidens personal unjust dept.of ass wipes. King biden going to sic the DOJ on Republican Governors for shipping illegals to democrat areas of vacation.This is rich America the guy who sold us down the river for for personal family gain is upset, Start with the midterms end with impeachments and jail vote all Republican,get America back.

    • Not to mention that Biden has been shipping 737 full of migrants to all 48 states without any approval by independent states, it’s sick and frankly if it were not for his hypocrite ways he’s pathetic to be sure.

  5. CO2 is NOT a toxin!.. Remove EPA’s authority to regulate a normal gas the we all exhale and plants need to grow calling it a toxin.

  6. Just one more reason why we must purge every democrat in our government. They will destroy our republic and install their own form of a socialist government, keeping themselves in power of course.

  7. Biden is a certified “motorhead”like us (he owns a vintage Vette that he bought new) and there will be no ban on anything, I assure you.

  8. Well, it looks like they just can’t leave anything alone. I have been waiting for this to come about. So, they want to shut down drag racing industry, NASCAR, SCCA, F1, Motorcycle racing, etc. Imagine how many people will be put out of work. Parts manufacturing companies, car and bike builders, crew members, facilities personnel, etc.. Somebody “got their panties in a bunch” and cried to their political puppet about the pollution that these activities cause… we are going to stop China or North Korea from burning coal. Some people need to get a life !!!!

  9. I’m sure if the election were not pending Mark Kelly would be falling all over himself to support the EPA ban. After Nov. expect a sudden flip on this topic from the spineless pol Kelly

  10. If the left is willing to cut off the petroleum industry, and big parts of our food and transportation industries, why wouldn’t they ban racing? These lefties are being consumed by demonic forces of evil. Let’s hope our liberal friends wake up to the destruction that they are allowing to happen.

  11. What gall &(typical) stupidity ! Expecting Our traditional Redneck’s racing to be waylaid by Uncle Joe – Remember folks , that Joe appeared on Jay Leno’s Garage ., yammering his in his cheesiest best of the Glory and support of our sport of The American Automobile – while revving his Corvette —and wearing a letterman’s jacket from ‘ a college ‘ . FAKE & DIS-INGENUOUS JOE !!!

  12. Heil Hitler! er…I mean Heil Biden! What element of society will he round up and consign to concentration camps? You guessed it! In abject liberal hypocrisy the goons of Martha’s Vineyard have already rounded up their new illegal residents and dumped them in an improvised concentration camp: abandoned military barracks.

  13. If you outlaw motorsports, you will stall out a good portion of the research and development that is done for the track which then filters down to the non-racing market. That includes advances in safety measures for roads and highways as well as for vehicles and passengers. It also includes engineering, performance and efficiency advances in the vehicles themselves. Sounds to me like banning motorsports at any level would amount to the EPA shooting themselves in the foot…. But of course, it IS a government agency. They aren’t known for their intelligence, logic or efficiency, are they?

  14. “The EPA claims it holds the authority to outlaw street drag racing, in which competitors race converted street vehicles on private roads.”

    • They have no such authority, Trump had them contained for his term of office but as usual they are back full force their boots trying to step on an American favorite racing. Remember folks 2022 is our best way to fight their stupidity and frankly tyranny!

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