Thursday, May 2, 2024

McConnell Caves On Gun Rights


The Senate's Republican Leader – – has said he will support gun legislation currently being crafted in the Senate.

According to The Hill, McConnell told reporters Tuesday that he is “comfortable with the framework and if the legislation ends up reflecting what the framework indicates” he would support the bill.

As our team previously reported, the Senate's framework includes the following proposals:

“initiatives to support state crisis intervention orders; a national expansion of mental health services for children and families; expanding mental health programs in schools; enhanced review process for gun buyers under the age of 21; penalties for straw purchases; and additional funding for school resource officers.”

The National Rifle Association (NRA) shared the following thread on Twitter over the weekend, stating that the group does not take a position on “frameworks” and will make their thoughts on the bill known when one is available.

Texas Senator John Cornyn is the lead Republican voice in the Senate deliberations, and he reportedly will nix anything in the bill that would not play well with his conservative Republican base back home in the Lone Star State.”

This Senate bill is rumored to be much less radical than the one passed by the House last week, based on that framework.

The ten Republicans who originally signed onto the Senate's framework were John Cornyn (R-TX), Thom Tillis (R-NC), Roy Blunt (R-MO), Richard Burr (R-NC), Bill Cassidy (R-LA), Susan Collins (R-ME), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Rob Portman (R-OH), Mitt Romney (R-UT), and Pat Toomey (R-PA).

The House has already passed its own gun bill, which has not yet been taken up in the Senate.

H.R.7910 – passed by the House last week – “makes various changes to federal firearms laws, including establishing new criminal offenses and expanding the types of weapons and devices that are subject to regulation.”

Victoria Snitsar Churchill
Victoria Snitsar Churchill
Victoria Snitsar Churchill is a proud immigrant and naturalized U.S. citizen with a decade of experience in grassroots politics and community organizing. Her writing has been featured in many online publications, including Campus Reform, The Daily Torch and The Daily Signal. As an undergraduate at the University of Kansas, Victoria appeared in media outlets such as CBS News, TIME Magazine, The Washington Post Magazine, The Blaze and NRATV. Victoria is also a former NCAA D1 student-athlete and Kansas College Republicans State Chair. After moving eleven times in six years, Victoria resides in Arlington, Virginia and enjoys overpriced brunch on Sundays with her husband.



  2. He should expect infinitely more protests at his rat hole than at justices. BLM and baby killers put together compared to what AMERICANS are going to be like. HE MUST BE EXPELLED and INDICTED for violation of oath and treason. Election fraud complicit useless garbage. WW WANT HIM TO HANG.

  3. McConnell you’re pathetic wimp….your nothing but a spineless POS who’s a scared of your own shadow. A little pressure from the Marxist’s / RINO’s and you fold like a house of cards.

    Any legislation passed, will be subject to law suits because the legislation is unconstitutional. Anything that tramples our “Due Process” will be (edited)fought(/edited) with vengeance.

    You don’t speak for America… Turncoat Traitors…….Get out of this Country. You are not welcome here.

    • DAMN SKIPPY!! Rando…These dumb ass politicians evidently NEVER looked at the history of BLOOD that was spilled for this country…This wonderful nation of ours..THIS IS OUR HOME DAMN-IT!!….AND WE AIN”T GIVIN’ IT UP TO NO ONE!!!

  4. McConnell is married to a Chinese who has ties to the ccp. The ccp would like nothing more than to see us disarmed.

  5. I wonder what under the table deal he made and what he gets in return that will never be shared with us. Remember? He got several “carve outs” for signing Biden’s spending bill.

  6. What about the Red Flag position in this bill? If a disgruntled neighbor or friend or enemy or a person who wants to corrupt the system calls in a concern, valid or not, they can confiscate any guns you have or take you away for evaluation.

  7. The few vague and innocuous-sounding proposals listed as being in the framework don’t sound too threatening, but the listing of “Republican” supporters scares me a lot. All of them are weak politicians who will likely give up all/their constituents’ rights in order to mollify weakling Mitch and the Democrat/Socialists; note also that many of them are getting ready to leave office with few real accomplishments.

    “The ten Republicans who originally signed onto the Senate’s framework were John Cornyn (R-TX), Thom Tillis (R-NC), Roy Blunt (R-MO), Richard Burr (R-NC), Bill Cassidy (R-LA), Susan Collins (R-ME), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Rob Portman (R-OH), Mitt Romney (R-UT), and Pat Toomey (R-PA).”

    Moral of the story is “Beware of Communists and weakling “friends.”

  8. Are the second amendment voters in Kentucky ok with this Turtle boy voting with Dummycrats? Turtleboy has got to go because he’s out of touch and tainted by Chinese money under the table!

    • The people of KY better watch out in trying to defeat Mitch because they just might open up that seat to a democrat, and we sure as hell don’t want that to happen.

  9. Progressives just are not very bright. They’ll take away inanimate objects, e.g. firearms (but not knives, bricks, clubs, fists, feet, etc.), BUT…leave the absolutely most dangerous weapon, the person in question, free to do whatever (s)he chooses. “Dunces” is giving them too much credit. It’s hard to decide whether to laugh or cry at their illogical, useless shenanigans. And of course, the after effect, is that _now_ you’ve got a really, really pissed-off individual to deal with in the future. But hey, they’ve done “something,” right? And appearances are all that count in ProgressiveSocialistWorld!

    Let’s go, Brandon! Remember in November.

  10. Ah,$36 million from his father in law who owns a shipping firm with massive contracts from the CCP. I wonder if those ships bring the fentinal that is now rampant in Kentucky? Well the chicoms are getting their money’s worth.

  11. What is that, “much less radical”, is that like half infinity? You know half of infinity is still infinity. So is much less infringement anything but infringement? Of course not. Just like the democrats have conveniently re-framed the word democracy to mislabel our form of government, they are also trying to re-frame our constitutional rights as not inalienable and not absolute. They seem to believe if they say, I think I can, often enough it will come true, but we have news for them, America will never be their Marxist utopian paradise. That is why the 2A exists to keep their totalitarian future for some other country at some other time. This war is just beginning and they haven’t seen anything yet. They have awoken the sleeping giant and they will be crushed by the weight of “we the people”. After all, this is a nation, for the people, by the people, not for government by government. Whenever government thinks this is not so, it must and requires changing. Joe Biden may think he is presiding over the birth of a new America, but the only thing new is his removal from office and the end of his coup. His days are numbered.

    • These left wing democrats are pushing this country closer and closer to that second American revolution that;s been talked about for years now. With the way things are going in this country that revolution just might include the second civil/race war that also has been talked about for years. Sadly these things would most likely destroy this nation and end up as being divided into more than one country. The United States of America just might no longer exist.

  12. There freaking out so bad right now because they know they’re going to lose in November. They are going to try something BAD before then to try and collapse everything!! Hide your guns and buy buy buy MORE!!!

  13. Anyone have McConnells home address??? Or any other RINO’s???? Maybe we should pay visits to their homes and protest?!?! This S*#@ has to stop!!!!

  14. Apparently Mr. McConnell has decided to retire….he sure isn’t going to be re-elected …… good riddance!

  15. I didn’t want to believe it, but it is now obvious that Democrats invite the tragedies to further their goal of gun confiscation and refuse any action to prevent those tragedies. In 2013, the Grassley-Cruz bill targeted felons, fugitives and those with serious mental illness to prosecute them if they illegally tried to buy guns. Even though the majority of the Senate approved it, the Democrats filibustered it and the bill died. Now we have the Uvalde massacre and Chuck Schumer refused to advance a bi-partisan bill that would have outlined the “Best Practices” that have been identified (after Sandy Hook) to implement in all schools that would prevent these needless killings; such as one controlled access point only, armed Resource Officers, or allow (not mandate) teachers who are trained to have concealed carry. Biden also says he is against these common sense solutions. Any one of the measures would have prevented the tragedy at Uvalde, in fact, they have prevented three mass casualty events since 2018 in schools that have implemented some or all of these “Best Practices”. Just a few days ago, in Gadsden Alabama, another school shooting was avoided because all the doors were locked and an armed Resource officer shot and killed the potential shooter. Of course, none of the media reported that story. Tell everyone. It is disgusting and abhorrent that the Democrats refuse such simple solutions in favor of advancing their anti-constitutional ideology whose ultimate goal is gun confiscation. “Red flag” laws are equally unconstitutional in that they allow no due process, are administered arbitrarily and can be used in retaliation or politically.

    Their new gun control bill making its way through the house is called the “protect the children act”. Obviously, their defund the police and “no bail” policies show they don’t care about the dozens children that are killed in drive by shootings in our cities every year. The don’t care about children that become sex slaves as they are trafficked across our open border by the cartels. They are willing to abort babies up to and after the moment of birth. That’s not abortion, it’s murder. This is pure evil and anyone who can’t see that is blind and complicit.

  16. We no longer care what RINO McConnell does; he is Kentucky’s problem for re-electing him. We have our own problems with two idiot Dimocrat libtards in this state.

  17. Spineless, squishy lil piece of SH-T !
    You can always count on Mitch to cave and do the wrong thing… It’s who he is..

  18. I thought this Dinosaur was going to retire. We can’t just vote straight Republican without research. We need to vote out all these RINOs. Romney, Graham, Collins, Cheney and the rest of the weak Republicans that will not stand up to Democrats. Portman isn’t running again either. We need strong Republican folks that have our back. Not these slugs.

  19. Paybacks for previous political favors!
    THE MAIN REASON TERM LIMITS NEEDED FOR MEMBERS OF CONGRESS. McConnell, Graham and other Senior Members of Republican Party returning political favors owed to the Democrats from many years of trading votes for future political favors!

  20. The second amendment is very plain and simple……….. the only role for the federal government in the matter, is to protect our right.

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