Several Senate Republicans have come out in support of Mitt Romney's plea to GOP mega-donors and conservative influencers to force noncompetitive candidates out of the 2024 Republican presidential primary.
Romney made his proposal to ostensibly stop former President Donald Trump public Monday. In an op-ed, the Utah senator urged major donors to cease funding candidates with no hope of clinching the GOP nomination by a specific date to ensure the party selects the most viable nominee in a general election. (RELATED: Romney Makes Plea To GOP Mega-Donors: Narrow The Field To Beat Trump)
He also encouraged conservative influencers to coalesce around more viable candidates to give coveted earned media to those most electable.
Many GOP lawmakers express concern that Trump's legal woes have made him unelectable in a national election, even as his lead over the GOP presidential field grows.
Based on Trump's plurality wins in the 2016's caucuses and primaries, they conclude that a crowded GOP field will doom any shot candidates they consider more electable may have.
The Hill has more on the reaction from Capitol Hill:
“I think that's a pretty practical recommendation,” Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) said. “I think to have a large field is probably not going to help us win the White House back.”
Cornyn told reporters in May that he didn't think Trump could win the general election, adding “what's the most important thing for me is that we have a candidate who can actually win.”
Senate Republican Policy Committee Chairwoman Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), who represents the state that will host the first contest of the 2024 primary, said “if we want to win elections, we need to look toward the general election and making sure our candidates are strong and ready to go.”
Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.), who has endorsed North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum's (R) presidential bid, said he's worried about fielding a competitive candidate in next year's general election, reflecting the widespread view within the Senate GOP conference that Trump's polarizing effect on voters is a potential political liability.
To emphasize his point, Romney underscored the failure of anti-Trump donors and candidates in 2016 to altruistically rally behind the candidate with the best chance of stopping Trump's candidacy.
As of this article's publication, the RealClearPolitics' average of the latest national polls shows President Joe Biden leading former President Donald Trump by an average of 0.9 percentage points.
A hypothetical matchup between Biden and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has Biden with an average lead of 1.9 points.
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With Romney as their “Leader” the Senate has definitely become a bunch of traitorous RINO BASTARDS!
Romney, his niece Ronnie McRomney, McConnell, Ryan, Cronin, Merkowski, Cheney, Bush, etc, have all been commandeering the dem/rino uniparty TROJAN HORSE! They killed the red wave, and have never been on the side of the people, or our country, they in fact appear to have been systematically destroying it.
They seem to love to adopt what the demoncRATS do to win an election. Power for the sake of power is not an America trait to be admired.
When Romney was selected and then ran in his campaignf or President, I compared his platform to Obama’s and saw that they were very nearly the same. That the GOP established favored candidates like Romney or McCain is pretty sickening. Unfortunately, the GOP (or should I say the Uniparty) establishment favors people of the same stripe. That’s why I saw screw the Party, – and I swithed my registration to NO PARTY. I still support some Republicans, but only the libertarian-like ones who also are ardently anti-corruption, anti-war, and anti-Federal Reserve System. I support those who put liberty and individual rights above all.
When Romney was selected and then ran in his campaignf or President, I compared his platform to Obama’s and saw that they were very nearly the same. That the GOP established favored candidates like Romney or McCain is pretty sickening. Unfortunately, the GOP (or should I say the Uniparty) establishment favors people of the same stripe. That’s why I saw screw the Party, – and I swithed my registration to NO PARTY. I still support some Republicans, but only the libertarian-like ones who also are ardently anti-corruption, anti-war, and anti-Federal Reserve System. I support those who put liberty and individual rights above all.
The USA cannot survive 4 more years of Joe Biden or any other Democrat!
Trump is still my choice for PRESIDENT, no matter who these rhinos try to promote.
That’s too bad! All logical thinking people realize that Trump will never again win a national election. The hate for Trump runs wide and deep across this country and those people far outnumber the MAGA republicans. I voted for him in both elections but could not do it a third time because if he is the republican nominee, then all that will do is to ensure that a democrat, no matter who that person is, will win the presidential election. Sad but true!
“Sad but true”? No YOU’RE sad.
Who in the hell does Rommey think he is, why have one dictator in the white houses already.WE do not need another TRATORS INTHE SENATE WEHAVE PLENTY OF THEM IN THE SENATE ALREADY.Yes we all know that Romney SON is as corrupt as Hunter Biden. So in my book that make Rommey as guilty as Biden and we all know how Guilty he is, that’s if you have any brains in between your ears.
Romney should never have been allowed to run for any political office representing Utah. He hasn’t lived in Utah officially for decades. He is a stinking carpet-bagger like Clinton was in NY. He never was a conservative. As Massachusetts governor he followed the liberal democRAT agenda. His only claim to fame was his father.
Romney is one of many RINO’S in the Repuklican Party that are the reason I will NOT donate any funds to the RNC. GOP leadership, the old guard elitists needs to be forced out of the party. Until that happens the Repuklican party can “go pound sand”. I will fund my preferred candidates but not the RNC criminals. They are way too willing to play paddy cake with the demoncRATS to suit me. Sadly, the Repuklcan Party doesn’t see a problem with these old has beens still hanging around. I do. They should be purged out. .
Maxx, you have it right, screw the party elite and support individuals in the Party who are Freedom Caucus type of people – ant-corruption, anti-war, pro-FREE market capitalism, NOT crony capitalism, and above all pro-liberty and pro individual rights.
Them, along with all the left wing socialist democrats, who are trying to destroy our constitutional republic and install their version of a socialist government. This just might be our last chance to do that because the future for our republic doesn’t look very good.
Oh then remove:
Let me see if I understand this. Trump is leading ALL candidates by double digits, so the RINOs want to get rid of him? Imagine that. Just ain’t no cure for stupid.
Do you truly believe that Trump could win a nation wide general election? There are far too many Trump haters across this country and they outnumber the MAGA republicans by enough to keep him out of the white house.
trump was elected by more than ‘maga’ republicans just as biden was ‘elected’ by more than actual legally registered citizen voters. as to the fickle nature of the american people, it’s anybody’s guess how the winds may blow with the unravelling of the biden syndicate. would be entertaining viewing if it weren’t endemic to the demise of western civilization.
Whatever Dude, go ahead and vote Biden. Smh
The problem being that none of the wannabes would make a good President if they had it handed to them, like Biden did.
I only donate to individual candidates of my choice. I will do the opposite of whatever Romney asked me to do. He’s a useless rino.
I’m 70 years old. I regret very little, but I regret voting for Mitt and John McCain. If the repubs want to regress and embrace this old beltway mindset, I say FU(|< u. I’m an old boomer who’ll stay home.
Romney certainly knows how to lose an election as does Ryan. Whatever they say do the opposite. FOX has learned the hard way what RINO advice will do.
All solicitations for campaign donations are referred to President Trump by me. When they ask I tell them I only donate to DJT and tell them to ask him. If he approves and chooses to give to some candidates I am good with it.
They all need to drop out and get behind Trump.
what Romney? fraid trump will be elected-president. 2024? you should be ! Trump has the votes and that just scares you to death. ( noncompetitive ) you best not go there!!!
Whoa! Thank resolution would get rid of Romney!
Romneyi’s a good one to throw rocks at losers. Who else is even close to Trump? Just look at the poles.
Romney has bought his way through life and only taken easy roads – he loathes any who achieve through risk and accumulate merit. Mit can’t stand it that he couldn’t win and only exists politically because of Trumps support for him to get elected to the senate….and so losers such as Mit hate the truth of who got them where they are.
Mit knows he can’t get re-elected without Trump and therefore hates him.
Tho O-N-L-Y “lost cause” is . . . Mitt ROMNEY! (besides Liz Cheney and any OTHER RINO).
with friends and acquaintances like romney, nobody needs enemies,…. as for Cornyn, the guy needs to be primary’d badly he has crossed the fence to the demonRAT side too often
You disgusting RINOS!!!!! YOU don’t decide who is “VIABLE”!!!!!
Forcing out lesser candidates! Romney is the one who needs to be forced out of ;the Senate!!! Senator Romney, get over it; Trump beat fair and square during the election he won! d Utah, you need another senator!
Romney’s plan is just one more reason I’ll be supporting Trump.
nothing like the fed govt influencing (censoring) the peoples rights
I suppose Romney envisions a Mitt & Mitch ticket to lead us to victory.